63. Hospital Beds- (Part 2)

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—time skip to middle of the night 3rd person POV—

Andy woke up screaming at around 2:30am. He woke up from a nightmare about his dad. Those were the worst for him, however this one was the worst one he's ever had. When he screamed, he woke up his roommates Ashley and Brendon as well. Ashley got up and sat down next to Andy on his bed, while Brendon went to go turn on the light.

"Are you okay, Andy?" Ashley asked. Andy shook his head.

"Is there anything we can do to help you?" Ashley asked.

There really wasn't much he could do, since Ashley was still in a straight jacket for slapping a nurse when she tried to make him eat when he first got here 4 years ago. Every time Andy would wake up screaming, Ashley wanted nothing more than to hold him and tell him everything would be okay, but he couldn't since they were both in straight jackets at the time. The only person in the room who was not in a straight jacket at the time was Brendon. Brendon also wanted to help Andy somehow, but he didn't know how since he hated when anyone touched him. Brendon has Autism, but it's not very severe at all. It's barely noticeable, if at all. It really only affects his sense of touch, which is why he hates hugs so much. He wishes he could hug Andy, but he can't.

"C-Chloe" was all Andy could say, since he was crying too hard to get any words out.

"Chloe? as in the new social worker?" Brendon asked. Andy nodded.

"Do you want someone to call her?" Ashley asked. Andy nodded again.

"Okay I'll go tell a nurse to call her." Brendon said as he left the room.

"Hello! I'm really sorry to bother you, but can you please call Chloe and ask her if she can come here? Andy really needs her." Brendon asked kindly to one of the nurses at the front desk.

"Why?" The nurse snapped angrily.

"Because he woke up from a nightmare again and neither Ashley or I can get him to calm down. He won't stop crying and he keeps asking for her. This is the worst he's ever been." Brendon said calmly.

"Why can't he just talk to one of us, or you and Ashley? You are his roommates for gods sakes. Why does he need her?" The nurse snapped back rudely.

"Chloe said to call her if anyone needed her throughout the night and that she'd come here. I'll call her." A different, nicer nurse responded.

"Thank you. Can you please tell her Andy woke up from a nightmare and that we can't calm him down and he's crying for her to come?" Brendon asked. The nurse held up one finger, signaling for him to wait a second.

"Hi Chloe. I'm sorry to bother you at this time of the night, but one of your patients needs you. I'm gonna give the phone to Brendon and let him explain everything to you." The nurse said as she handed the phone to Brendon.

—Chloe's POV—

"Hello? Chloe?" Brendon asked from the other line.

"Ya Bren. I'm here. What's up?" I asked sleepily, but concerned.

"Andy woke up from another nightmare, but neither Ash or I can calm him down. He's crying really hard, like a lot harder than usual and he told us to call you. He's never been this bad. Can you please come help him? He really needs you, and Ash and I are really worried about him." Brendon said.

"Alright. I'm on my way. Tell Andy I'll be there soon and to hang in there. I'll be there as soon as I can. Thank you Brendon."

"Thank You so much Chloe. We'll see you soon!"

After I hung up with Brendon, I threw some clothes into my backpack and anything else I may need and went out to my car. I'll probably end up spending the rest of the night there since I have to be there in a few hours anyways, so there's really no point in going back home.

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