4. His anxiety part 1 (your POV)

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A/N: this is gonna be a long one, so there's gonna be 2 parts to it

——Your POV—————————————————

You and Andy are sitting in History class in school. Your teacher announces a group project. You and Andy look at each other mischievously to let each other know you were working together. The teacher gives the class the instructions and says that each group will be assigned a topic to research and you all must make a google slides presentation and teach the class about your topic.

When the teacher told the class to get with their partners, you and Andy push your desks together and take out your computers.

Your teacher comes around, giving each pair of students their topic. When she gets to you and Andy, you notice Andy starting to act a little strange. He seemed a lot more fidgety than usual and he was breathing a little quicker than usual. The teacher gives you your topic, which is fashion of the 1920s, and walks away. After she walks away, Andy seemed to return to normal. You don't think much of it, and you and Andy begin researching your topic and working on the presentation.

After the teacher calls time, she calls the first group up to present their topic. As the first group is presenting, you notice Andy acting strange again. He seems a little shaky and is breathing faster than before. You turn to him and ask him if he's okay. He nods his head, but you think he's lying.

You are slightly confused about why he's acting like this, since he's never acted this way before. You lay your hand on his back in an attempt to calm him down, causing him to flinch.

"Andy, whats wrong?" You whisper to him while leaning towards him and looking into his eyes. His eyes looked a little glassy. He didn't answer, so you knew something was wrong.

The teacher then calls you and Andy up to present your topic. You were now really worried about Andy,
and weren't sure if he'd be able to present right now.

"Are you gonna be okay to do this?" You ask him, looking very concerned into his eyes.

He nods his head and the two of you walk up to the front of the room. As plug in your computer to the projector, you notice Andy is standing a lot closer to you than he normally does. He's standing as if he's hiding behind you. After you set up your presentation, you start talking and you look over at Andy to make sure he's okay. Andy looks back at you and you see intense fear in his eyes. Andy turns and runs out of the room. You are now very worried about him. You look over at your teacher and ask her if you can go check on him. She said ok, and you run out of the room as well. You run down the hallway and hear someone breathing really heavily. You follow the sound and find Andy sitting against some lockers. He's sitting with his knees to his chest and his arms are resting on his knees, holding his head up. You run over to him and sit next to him. He had started hyperventilating and you notice his hands shaking really bad and his eyes are full of tears. You try to put your arm around him, but he flinches again.

You realize he's having a panic attack, and you try to calm him down.

"It's okay. It's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you." You say to him as you hold onto his arm.

"Don't freak out. You're okay." You say as you put your arm around him very gently. He doesn't flinch this time, which you take as a good thing.

You tell him to focus on his breathing and to count to 10 as slowly as he could.

"o-o-one..........t-t-two........th-three........." he started saying while still hyperventilating between numbers. You rub his back slowly, to match his words and to guide his breathing a little.

Andy Biersack imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now