92. This Is Where It Ends (part 2)

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This is a long one oof. There will be a part 3 too XD (See why this needed multiple parts? XD)



Raven's POV:

I'm laying in my bed scrolling through tiktok while waiting for my boyfriend Andy to get home from the studio. He texted me earlier that things weren't going too good, so now I'm worried about him. I know he's gonna be in a bad mood when he gets home, so I'm just waiting for him in our room so I can cuddle him when he gets here. Cuddles always make him feel better. After a few more minutes, the bedroom door opens and Andy comes in.

"Hey baby!" I say as he closes the door and jumps on the bed next to me, hiding his his head under his pillow and covering his face with his hands.

"You okay, love?" I ask softly, turning to face Andy even though he can't see me since he's laying face down and hiding under a pillow.

Andy doesn't answer with words, just whimpers softly, making me worry more.

"What's wrong, baby? What happened?" I ask, gently placing my hand on his back, rubbing small circles on his back.

Again, he doesn't answer, but the second I touch him, Andy just breaks down into sobs, his whole body shaking so bad that the bed is shaking with him.

"Andy, baby, come here, love. Let me hold you, okay? Come here." I say, wrapping my arm around him and pulling him closer.

Andy turns towards me, coming out from under the pillow but still covering his face with his hands, and puts his head against my chest, sobbing heavily. I wrap my arms around him tightly and rub his back, trying to comfort him however I can.

"Whatever it is, love, it's gonna be okay. I got you, baby. I love you so much." I say, holding him tighter as he cries harder.

After a few minutes, Andy takes his hands away from his face and hugs me back, pressing his face into my chest and holding onto the back of my shirt tightly, shaking even more.

"I got you, baby, it's okay. I'm right here, baby." I say,  kissing his head and playing with his hair, trying to get him to calm down enough to at least tell me what happened.

Eventually, Andy starts to slowly calm down and looks up at me with the most heartbreaking expression I've ever seen. His eyes are red and his sweet face is wet with tears. Seeing him like this makes me wanna cry too, but I need to stay strong for him. Whatever happened must've been bad for him to be crying like this.

"What happened, sweetheart?" I ask softly, wiping tears from his face before holding him again.

"I- I think the band just broke up..." Andy says, trying not to burst into tears again.

"What? How did that happen? I thought you guys were recording new music." I say, shocked. That's the last thing I was expecting to hear. I know they've been having some problems, but I never thought it would end like this.

"Ash and I got in another fight while the other guys were out getting food and he said some shit about how I can't sing and write shitty lyrics, and the only reason we have fans is because I'm 'pretty' or whatever and no one actually likes my voice and I'm just a 5 year old who's always throwing tantrums or some shit. He made me cry and then the guys came back and CC took me out of the room and I broke the fuck down in his arms, and then Jinxx came in and said Ash and Jake were fighting because Jake was defending me and then I guess managment walked in on them and kicked Ash out of the band and apparently is trying to take the name away from us and not allowing us to work together so apparently we're not a band anymore? At least until we replace him and our manager fixes the other shit. I don’t even know. I'm so confused, and scared, and I don't wanna lose them! I can't lose them!" Andy says, breaking down in tears at the end and pushing his  face back into my chest, holding me tightly .

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