22. Break up/make up

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—Andy's POV—

I let out heavy sobs as I curled up on the bed, wishing I still had Chloe here with me. But she left me. I'd been distant lately because of my depression, and I guess because of this she thought I was cheating on her. And on top of it, a fan photoshopped a recent picture of Chloe and I kissing to look like I was kissing my ex Juliet and sent it to her saying I was cheating on her. I tried to explain to her that it was photoshopped, but she didn't listen.

This isn't the first time I've been distant because of my depression. Usually when it comes, she'd leave me alone when I wanted to be alone but she'd always come in and hold me if she heard me crying. She knew that I would only cry if it was really bad, and she'd come hold me since I was always too scared to go get her. She was the only person who knew how to make me feel better and calm me down. The first time she ever saw me break down and cry was after we had only been dating for a few weeks. This was before I even officially asked her to be my girlfriend.


Chloe and I are supposed to be going on a date tonight, but of course my depression decided to hit me like a ton of bricks today.

I texted Chloe and canceled our date because I was way too depressed to do anything today, and have been for the past few days. I told her that I wasn't feeling well since I didn't want her to know how bad I actually feel right now. We just started dating and I don't want my problems to push her away.

I was laying in bed staring at the wall and trying not to cry like I'd been doing all day and I heard the doorbell ring. Who the hell could that be? All the guys knew I was supposed to be with Chloe tonight and I already told Chloe I was sick. Who else would be here? The doorbell rang again and I decided to drag my ass out of bed and answer the door.

I finally make my way to the door and when I answer it, surprisingly it's Chloe. Before I can say anything or ask her why she came over, she wrapped her arms around me and pulled me into a hug. I hugged her back and it took everything in me not to break down and let the tears I've been holding back all day fall.

"You seemed a little off these past few days. Is everything alright, Andy?" She asked while still hugging me.

I wanted to lie and tell her that I'm fine, but in reality I'm the farthest thing from fine. I was about to nod and say I was okay, but I couldn't. All I could do was shake my head and hug her tighter, knowing that deep down inside me I knew I needed some form of comfort and that I needed her to help me.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?" She asked lovingly.

I tried to answer her but before I could, the tears I'd been holding in all day started dripping down my face fast. I started to cry quietly and even though I didn't want her to know, I couldn't help it.

"Hey... don't cry... whatever's bothering you, it'll be alright." She said sweetly as she hugged me tighter. "Come on. Let's go sit down and we can get through it together, okay?"

She let go of me slightly and kept her arm around me as we walked over to the couch. We sat down and she put her arm around me and started rubbing my arm softly.

"What's going on, hon?" She asked quietly.

"It hurts." was all I was able to say without breaking down more than I already was.

"What hurts sweetie?"

I knew that if I tried to speak, I would just break down more, so instead I pointed to my heart and my head.

"Your chest and your head hurt?" She asked confused. I shook my head.

"In here" I whispered brokenly and pointed to my chest again.

Andy Biersack imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now