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A/N: AAAAA IM SO SORRY!! Writers block is a bitch, and so is having an essay due every week until the end of summer. Blegh. I guess thats what I get for taking summer classes. But its worth it so I can graduate faster. I promise i'm trying to write more. I have a few started- some old requests and also some random ones my psycho brain came up with. As always comment or message me any ideas you have- I'm always taking requests even if it takes me a few months to actually do it lol

Also sorry for any typos- my phone has been glitching like hell lately



Raven's POV:

"Chris come on! Please just give me the damn aux cord! You've had it this whole time and if I have to hear one more Taylor Swift song, I'm gonna jump out of this car!" I yell at my brother.

We're driving home from our vacation and he refuses to play anything but Taylor Swift. I love Chris, but I can't take another second of listening to this.

"Oh come on! She's not that bad! But fine, here. Happy now?" Chris says as he unplugs his phone and gives me the aux cord.

I plug my phone in and put on AFI since both me and Chris love them. I look out the window and watch the grass as we drive, until I see what seems to be a person in a ditch. I swear I recognize him, but I can't tell from where.

"Wait, mom, stop! I think I know him." I say pointing to the person.

"Oh shit, okay hold on." My mom says as she pulls over. There's not really any other cars on this road, so it's not likely she'll get in trouble for stopping here.

I get out of the car and Chris follows behind me. Chris is very protective of me, especially since our dad left when I was 2 and Chris was 3. I think he feels like it's now his responsibility to protect me, even though I'm 17 and he's 18.

I carefully walk up to the person in the ditch and immediately know where I recognize him from. He used to be my best friend from kindergarten until middle school, when his dad pulled him out in 6th grade. His name is Andy, and from what I remember, his dad was awful to him. His mom died giving birth to him and his dad always blamed him and treated him horribly. Ever since he left school, I've wondered about him and whether he was safe or not. I remember he used to be terrified of his dad. Whenever he would get in trouble or fail a test in school, he would cry and tell me how mad his dad would be. And he used to come to school with bruises and sometimes have a hard time walking without being in pain.

I'm cut off from my thoughts when I notice that Andy has seen me. He must not have recognized me since he immediately tried to run away, but ended up falling to the ground, clearly exhausted from however long he'd been here.

"Andy? It's me, Raven. We used to be best friends. Do you remember me?" I say softly as I carefully move closer to him and sit on the ground so I'm on his level.

Andy looks at me for a while before nodding slightly, and I notice that he's shaking like hell and seems to have been crying.

"Raves." Andy whispers, using the nickname he used to call me.

Andy then sees Chris behind me and backs up, shaking even worse and not taking his eyes off of Chris.

"It's okay, that's just my brother Chris. He's a year older than us and went to a different school, which is why you don't know him.  He's really sweet. He won't hurt you, I promise." I say, but Andy doesn't seem to be listening, too focused on watching Chris like a hawk.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2023 ⏰

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