88. Everybody Fades

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Got this idea in class today and wrote this instead of paying attention lol.


Title credit: Everybody Fades- Point North


Raven's POV:

I'm currently in the back of a taxi on my way to surprise my boyfriend Andy on tour. A few days ago, I got a text from Jinxx that Andy's been feeling down lately and not acting like himself, so I got worried and decided to come see him. I talk to him every day and I've asked him if he's okay, but I know it's easy to lie through the phone. I know him. He wouldn't tell me over the phone if something was wrong because he wouldn't want to worry me. And it would probably just make him sadder knowing I wasn't with him. I can hear in his voice that he's upset, but he just says he's tired from performing.

As the driver is driving, I decide to watch some videos from their shows these past few nights since I haven't had time to because I was getting ready to come see him. I always watch videos of their performances when their on tour. I love seeing Andy on stage. However, when I see the concert from a few days ago, I notice that Andy started wearing long gloves on stage- something he hasn't done in a long time. He used to wear them when he was cutting a few years ago so no one would see them while he was performing. My heart breaks and I feel myself getting even more worried about him. I really hope he hasn't started again. He's too beautiful and sweet to do that and have to feel that kind of pain. I really hope he's okay.

About 20 minutes later, the driver arrives at the venue they were at tonight, and I grab my bags and get out of the car, thanking the driver before he leaves and go to the band's bus. I text Jinxx and let him know I'm outside their bus since I told him before that I was coming and not to tell Andy. Jinxx replies by saying Andy's in the shower, so I could come in without him noticing. Jinxx opens the door and helps me take my bags inside and puts them in the spare bunk while I quietly say hi to the rest of the guys. CC and Lonny both run to me and hug me, trying to be quiet since Andy doesn't know I'm here yet. After talking with the guys for a few minutes, I go to sit in Andy's bunk before he gets out of the shower so he'll see me when he gets out. A few minutes later, I hear the bathroom door open and see Andy come out wearing his favorite batman hoodie and black sweatpants, his hair still damp from showering. God he looks so cute like that. It takes everything in me not to scream his name and run to him, but I want him to see me first. Eventually Andy walks into the bunks and looks up, freezing in shock when he sees me sitting on his bunk.

"Raven!" Andy screames,  jumping straight into my arms once the shock has worn off and hugging me as tight as he can. I pull him up into the bunk so that he's sitting on my lap, his legs on either side of me.

"Hi sweetheart." I say, wrapping my arms around him just as tight, holding him as close to me as possible.

"I missed you so much." Andy whispers, hiding his face in my shoulder and holding me tighter.

"I missed you too sweetheart." I say, kissing his head.

"What are you doing here?" Andy says, pulling back slightly to look at me, keeping his arms around my shoulders. I sigh. I know I should try to get him to talk to me about what's wrong, but he seems so happy to see me right now and I don't want him to get upset. But I know I'll have to say it at some point.

"I've been worried about you...I got a text saying you've been sad lately, and that you haven't been yourself. And when we talk on the phone, I can hear it in your voice that you're not okay. I couldn't let you feel that way on your own, so here I am. Now, please Andy, talk to me. I know you're not really okay." I say, gently rubbing his sides, trying to keep him from getting upset. Andy looks down.

Andy Biersack imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now