53. You Are Beautiful

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Trigger warning: mentions eating disorders

—Chloe's POV—

I was standing in the hallway at school talking with my friends Kellin Quinn, Vic Fuentes, Josh Raven, Juliet Simms, Ashley Costello, Remington Leith, and Ronnie Radke. We were all goofing off as usual and talking about random bullshit when my boyfriend Andy Biersack finally decided to get his ass out of bed and come to school. Silly Andy's always sleeping through his alarm. I swear he sleeps like the dead. He came over to us and stood next to me.

"Jeez Juliet. Isn't that like your 4th donut today? Careful. You might need new jeans if you have another one" her girlfriend Ash said jokingly.

"Oh shut up Ash! Look who's talking! You're the one who can eat a whole pizza by yourself. I'm surprised you still fit into your clothes." Juliet laughed as she punched Ash in the arm playfully.

This is what our group does. We like to make fun of each other for everything. We're pretty weird.

Out of nowhere, Andy moved so he was standing in front of me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder.

"Aww does someone want attention?" I asked playfully as I hugged him back.

"Aw looks like someone's being extra clingy today. You guys are too cute." Josh laughed.

Andy didn't respond to anything anyone was saying. He just stood there hugging me very tightly. It wasn't until he sniffled and I felt my shirt starting to get a little damp that I realized why he was hugging me and clinging to me out of nowhere.

He was crying.

I tightened my arms around him and ran my fingers through his long hair. His breathing hitched and he hugged me tighter.

"Aww Babe... it's okay.. whatever it is, it'll be alright." I whispered to him.

The rest of the group must have heard me, since they all looked at me worriedly.

"Is he okay?" Kellin mouthed to me.

"I don't know" I mouthed back.

Andy let out a sob and nuzzled his face further into my shoulder.

"Do you want to go to our spot and talk?" I whispered as I rubbed his back. He nodded and pulled away slightly to wipe his tears.

"Hey guys, Andy and I are gonna go outside for a bit. We'll see you guys later." They all said bye to us and Andy and I left to go outside.

I kept my arm around him as we walked and I led him to the bleachers by the baseball fields. We always come here when we want to be alone with each other. No one ever comes here in the mornings, so we should be safe. Andy and I climbed up to the top and sat down next to each other, leaving almost no space between us.

"Are you okay?" I asked him as I grabbed his hand.

"I guess when Juliet and Ash started joking about eating too much, it brought back a lot of old thoughts I used to have." He whispered as he looked down.

I knew exactly what he meant. A few years ago, Andy had anorexia. He constantly thought he as fat even though he's literally a twig, and he wouldn't eat anything for weeks. It was really scary, but he recovered from it. With a lot of help obviously. He's still really sensitive to things regarding food and weight, but he's doing a lot better. I guess when Juliet and Ash were fooling around with each other, they triggered the negative thoughts to come back to him. Which would explain why he started crying.

"I'm sorry. I know it's still hard for you to hear things like that, even if it's not directed towards you. Can you tell me what you were thinking about? You don't have to if you don't want to." I said softly as I put my arm around him.

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