1. How you met

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A/N: this one's really really dumb and bad so feel free to ignore this one. The rest are a lot better I swear

——Raven's POV——

It's my first day at a new school. Im a sophomore in high school. I transferred because I couldn't deal with the people at my old school anymore. As I was walking into school, a group of "popular girls" came up to me and started making fun of my clothes and the way I do my makeup. One of them told me to "go back to hell" and another one said that she "would be ashamed if I was her daughter." Everyone else outside laughed.

I ran behind the school where no one was. I sat on the ground against the wall and cried as hard as I could into my knees. The next thing I knew, was that a pair of arms tightly wrapped around me as I cried.

A deep voice said, "don't listen to them. They just don't understand what it's like to be someone like us."

I found his voice strangely comforting and he continued to hold me while I sobbed in his arms. After I calmed down, I looked up and saw the most beautiful icy blue eyes I had ever seen.

"I'm Andy. By the way". He said to me, keeping his arm around me.


"Your new here, aren't you?" Andy asked.

I nodded. Feeling nervous, i looked away from his brilliant eyes and instead looked at the ground.

"It's okay. I'll show you around. We'll get through this together." He said as he hugged me again.

Andy pulled me up to my feet and wiped my tears away as he gave me another hug. The two of us spent the rest of the day together, and soon we were best friends.

Andy Biersack imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now