11. Break up

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A/N: TRIGGER WARNING: suicide, depression, self harm are mentioned. Please don't read if you are easily triggered.

If you ever need someone, I'm here. Chloe and I both are. {{there's an explanatory of why I wrote this the way I did at the end}}
~Andy (>_<)

——Chloe's POV————

I was sitting in the living room, waiting for my best friend Andy to come home from his girlfriend Juliet's house. I didn't really like Juliet too much. She was always so possessive of Andy and was always super jealous whenever I was around, despite Andy and I telling her countless times that we were more like siblings. But I don't wanna hate on her too much. She makes Andy happy and he really loves her. She also treats him with so much love and respect and I can tell she really loves him. It's nice seeing him so in love with someone. He has this spark in his eye when he talks about her and it's so cute. (I don't like Andy that way. He's like my brother and best friend. I've never thought of him as anything more than that).

A few minutes pass buy and I hear the door of our apartment unlock. Andy's home.

"Hey" I say as he walks in and takes his shoes off and hangs his jacket up.

He doesn't answer, which makes me worry a little bit.

"Andy, you okay?" I ask as I look over to him. His face was red and stained with tears and his hands were shaking.

He didn't answer me again. He just ran up to his room and slammed his door shut. I decided to leave him alone for a while to calm himself down. He obviously didn't want to talk about what happened, so I just let him be. I've learned by now that when he acts like this, it's better to leave him alone for a while or else it'll turn into something worse.

—fast forward to the middle of the night—

I woke up at around 2:30am from hearing Andy scream and start crying again. I was starting to get a little worried about him, so I decided to get up and go check on him. I ran to his room and his door was shut. I tried to open it, but it was locked. I knocked on his door and tried to call out to him.

"Andy? You okay? Please come talk to me. I'm really worried about you." I asked him as calmly as I could. He still wouldn't answer me. All I could hear was him screaming and sobbing his heart out. He sounded so far beyond heartbroken and all I wanted to do was comfort him and make him feel better. Here's where my sister instincts come in. I push my instincts aside, knowing Andy would just get mad if I unlocked his door myself. He probably just needs some space for a while. He'll talk about it when he's ready. I walked back to my room, leaving my door open so I could hear if he left his room.

When I woke up the next morning, I decided to try to talk to Andy again. I got up and saw that his door was still shut. I knocked and called out to him again, but no answer. I could hear him breathing, so I knew he was there and at least still alive. I checked to see if his door was unlocked and to my surprise, it was!

I open the door and Andy was laying on his bed just staring blankly at the wall. He looked so empty and heartbroken and his face was even redder than it was yesterday. He looked like he had been up all night crying. I hate to say it, but he probably was. It hurts me knowing he's in this much pain.

"You okay?" I ask in the calmest tone I could. "I'm worried about you. Please talk to me. I just wanna help you." I whispered softly.

Again, he didn't respond. Instead, he closed his eyes as tightly as he could and a few tears fell down his face. He started shaking and I could hear him sobbing quietly to himself.

I ran over to him and crouched down by his bed in front of him. I rested my hand on his arm and wiped his tears with my sleeve.

"I love you, Andy. I know you're hurting, and you don't have to tell me why right now. You can tell me when you're ready. I'll always be right here." I whispered as I gently rubbed small circles on his arm.

Andy Biersack imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now