53. Saving The Fallen Angel (Part 1)

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"Chloe I'm bored!!" My 7 year old sister Cassie yelled from her room. I was babysitting her for the month while our parents are away on a business trip.

"Okay sweetie. How about we go play some board games?" I asked her.

"Yay!! Let's play candy land!!" Cassie said excitedly as she jumped up and down clapping her hands. I swear she's the cutest little girl ever.

"Okay let's go play Candy land!"

I took her hand and guided her into the living room. We set up the game and played about 3 times. Cassie won twice and I won once. When we were about half way through our 4th game, my phone started to ring and the called ID said "Andy".

Andy is my best friend. I've known him since I was 5 years old and we've been best friends ever since. He loves Cassie like she's his sister as well. Cassie adores him too. He was even at the hospital when she was born and was one of the first people to hold her. He even cried when she was born cause she was, in his words, "the cutest and most beautiful thing he's ever seen". My parents work with his mom and they're pretty close friends, so that's how we met. Andy's dad walked out on them when he found out Amy (Andy's mom) was pregnant, so he's never been in the picture. Andy's never even met him.

"Hey Andy" I said as I answered the phone.

"C-Chloe? A-are you busy r-right now?" He asked. His voice sounded thick and I could hear him crying.

"I was just playing candy land with Cassie, Why? Are you okay? What's wrong?"

"I-I need you. C-can you come o-over?" He sounded really upset and I could tell he'd been crying for a while. Dammit I hate it when he cries. Seeing him cry makes me want to cry myself.

"Of course! I'm on my way now. I have to bring Cassie, but we'll be over in 10 minutes, alright?"

"O-Okay. Please hurry. I-I don't know how much longer I-I can stand b-being a-alone."

"Don't worry. We'll be over soon. I love you. Cassie loves you too. You're gonna be fine. Hang in there, hun."

I hung up with Andy and went back into the living room to Cassie, who was standing in the hallway with a worried expression on her face.

"Is Andy okay? You sounded scared." She asked. Her little voice sounded so innocent and sweet.

She really loves Andy a lot. She's seen him like this before and I know it also hurts her to seen him cry. For being a little 7 year old, she has a heart of gold and always tries to make Andy smile when he's upset.

I sighed. "No, Cassie. He's not okay. He's really sad right now and needs us to come over." Cassie looked at me with an even more worried look in her eye.

"Is he crying again?" She asked, her voice filled with love and concern.

"Mhmm" I sighed.

She looked at me with wide eyes and grabbed my hand, dragging me to the door. "Come On! We have to go help Andy!" She yelled. It's so cute how she cares about him so much.

"Okay, let's go help Andy." I said as I grabbed my keys and we both put our shoes on.

I buckled Cassie into her booster seat in the back of my car and then got into the drivers seat. I buckled my seatbelt and started to drive towards Andy's house.

"Chloe? Can I ask you something about Andy?" Cassie asked when we got the corner of our street.

"Of course you can sweetie. What is it?" I asked.

"Why do you always get so scared when Andy's crying? And why do you always go to him? He doesn't always come over when you're sad, so why do you always go to him?" She asked curiously.

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