67. Insomnia (Remdy) {Andy&Remington}

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Can you do a Remdy one where Andy's sad and can't sleep and he wakes up Remington and Remi comforts him until he falls asleep??

{{I love this one so much, and I love Remdy}}



"Rem, Wake up"

"Remi, please. I need you"


I startled awake to someone shaking me and whisper-yelling my name.

"What? What is it?" I say as I shoot up and start looking around my room frantically, before realizing that the person calling me and shaking me was my boyfriend Andy.

"I can't sleep" Andy whispers from beside me, looking down at his lap.

"Why can't you sleep, babe? Is something wrong?" I ask, turning my body to face him.

I notice that he's scratching his wrists, something he does subconsciously when he's upset, so I take his hands and hold them in my own to prevent him from hurting himself. I know he doesn't mean to do it, hell he doesn't even realize he's doing it, but I'm not gonna let him hurt himself like that. It'll only get worse if I don't try to help him get out of that habit.

"I don't know... just sad I guess" he says as he leans forward and rests his head on my shoulder.

"Aw, why're you sad, babe?" I ask as I hug  him.

"Been thinking too much... got lost in my head... and my mind went to some pretty dark places" he whispers, his voice getting sadder and sadder with every word.

Andy hugs me back and cuddles closer to me, nuzzling his face into my neck.

I start to feel my skin get a little damp, making me realize that Andy's crying silently.

"Aw baby please don't cry, it's okay.. Is there anything I can do to help you?" I ask as I hug him tighter and rub his back.

"Just don't leave me" he whispers, his voice thick from crying and nearly inaudible.

"I wouldn't dream of it Ands" I say as I hold him tighter and run my fingers through his soft black hair, knowing that it usually calms him down.

After about 5 minutes, Andy is nearly asleep in my arms. I lay back down on the bed with Andy still in my arms so that his head is resting on my chest and his arms are around my waist. I continue to play with his hair until his breathing completely evens out, meaning he's fallen asleep.

I carefully wipe the tears off his face with my sleeve and kiss his forehead before falling asleep with my beautiful Andy in my arms.

Andy Biersack imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now