42. How We Met (version 2)

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A/N: this is based off a one shot I read on Tumblr except I changed some of the story around and added a few things as well as changed the point of view. If I can find the original link, I'll add it here.


—Chloe's POV—

I was leaving lunch and walking to my hideout under the staircase to listen to music and chill out before my next class.

It was really quiet as usual since no one ever comes over to this side of the school (thank yeesus). I found this place one day last year when I got tired of the shit people put me through and this has been my hangout since then.

But today, something was different. I could feel it somehow. I didn't know why, but I did.

As I silently walked up to my "safe place" as I like to call it, I could hear someone crying. They were crying really hard and sounded so broken and hurt. Why has no one tried to help them? I knew I had to find them and help them since I can't stand so see anyone upset or in pain. I turned the corner and found the new kid. When he transferred in, all the ass-wipes of the school stopped torturing me as much as they had before and I guess they've been using him as their main target now.

Neither of us had talked to each other yet, even though he's been here for almost a month. We have a couple classes together so I at least know who he is. I know his name is Andy and he knows mine is Chloe but that was it. I went and silently sat next to him, both of our backs against the brick wall.

"Why are you here?" He stated in a braking voice that was thick from all the crying. I could tell by the redness of his eyes and the amount of tears on his cheeks that he'd been here crying for a long time.

"Because I know what it's like to be in your place." I responded sweetly.

"You couldn't possibly know what it's like to be me." He said, still crying hard.

"I was new here last year. I didn't know anyone. All the kids here would beat me up and call me names. I felt so alone and I had no one. I know you're feeling the same way. I'm here because I don't want you to go through what I did." I said, still staying calm.

"It sucks being alone all the time. No one understands me at all. I'm too weird and different and no matter what I do, I can't find anyone who accepts me for me. This is my 3rd school this year and it's been the same everywhere. Everywhere I go everyone ends up hating me before they even know me. I can't keep going on like this." He said as he buried his face in his hands and started to cry even harder than he already was.

Seeing that talking about it was only making him cry more, I decided to try something else. I scooted closer to him and carefully wrapped an arm around his shoulders and start rubbing circles on his arm soothingly.

"I don't hate you Andy. I never have and I never will" I whispered.

He sobbed harder as he turned to me and wrapped his arms tightly around me, resting his head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around him just as tightly and started rubbing his back to try to comfort him.

"It'll be okay. Everything is gonna get better I promise. You're not alone anymore. You have me now." I continued to whisper sweet nothings to him until he was able to stop his crying.

He continued to sob his heart out until he couldn't even catch his breath, and even then he still cried harder. Each time his crying increased, I hugged him closer to me and quickly squeezed his body tightly. I continued to do this until he was eventually able to control his crying and calm down a bit.

After we had both let go of each other, I wiped his tears with my sleeves and pulled him into another hug.

"Thanks... for staying with me.... and for holding me... no one's ever been nice to me like that before.... At least I know I have one person on my side... And I'm sorry for breaking down like that." He whispered hoarsely as he relaxed more into me.

"Like I said, I've been where you are. I know how it feels and I'm not going to let you go through that alone. And you have no reason to apologize. I think anyone in your place would have broken down and cried like that. I'd be more surprised if you didn't break down." I said while continuing to hold him in my arms.

The next day, I found Andy in the same spot.

"Hey Andy" I said as I sat down next to him.

"Hi Chloe" he responded quietly. "Thanks again for helping me yesterday. It really meant a lot to me." He said as he looked into my eyes. "No one's ever cared enough to actually hug me like that before... I actually forgot what it feels like to be held... It feels nice to be held..." he whispered as he looked down at the ground shyly and sadly.

"Don't mention it. You deserve so much better than being hurt over and over again to the point of crying in an abandoned school hallway." I said.

"Do you want a hug?" I asked since he looked like he really needed one. He nodded.

We both wrapped our arms around each other and held each other tightly. I felt him press his face into my shoulder and tighten his arms around me.

"Are you okay?" I asked softly as I hugged him tighter.

"Mhmm. I just really needed a hug. Thank you.." he whispered.

We stayed in the hug for a few minutes until we both pulled away.

"Does this mean we're friends now?" He asked as he looked up at me with anxious eyes.

"Of course it does! I wouldn't have stayed by you or hugged you if I wasn't your friend." I said.

Right after I said that, he covered his face with his hands as he looked down at the ground and started to cry.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked worriedly as I put my arm around him.

"N-nothing. I-I've just n-never h-had a-a friend b-before" he said as he hugged me tightly and cried.

"Well now you do" I said as I hugged him tightly.

The two of us became best friends and continued to get closer and closer as the year went on and eventually started dating. Then married after 3 years of dating. When I first met Andy in the hallway, little did I know that he would become my best friend and that the two of us would spend the rest of our lives together.

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