15. Vampire Andy (Andley)

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Ashley's POV

"Andy? Where are you going" I asked my boyfriend as he walked to the front door of the house. "It's nearly 10:00 at night."

"Just out for a bit. I need to run to the store for something. I'll be back in about a half hour. I Love you." He said as he walked out the door.

Andy's acting really strange. He leaves the house at odd hours and never tells me where he's going. I decided that today I would follow him.

I follow him down the street to the park
and when I'm just about 20 feet away from him, I see him holding a girl against a tree by her shoulders. She's crying out in pain and Andy looks mad for some reason. I decide to move a little closer and as I do, I see Andy lean closer to the girl and bite her neck. What the hell? What's going on here? What is Andy doing? I was about to open my mouth to say something, but he saw me. He looked into my eyes, and he didn't look himself at all. His usually bright blue eyes were a dark black, he was even paler than normal, and he had...fangs? What?

"Ashley? What are you doing here?" He asked as he dropped the girl and started walking towards me. The girl got up and ran away.

"I could ask you the same thing. Andy, what are you?" I asked terrified as I backed away from Andy.

"Ash.. I'm a.... vampire" he whispered. "Please don't be scared of me. I won't hurt you. I will never hurt you. I love-" I cut him off.

"Don't be scared of you? Are you crazy? You just attacked an innocent girl! I'm sorry, but I can't do this anymore. We're done. I'm sorry." I said as i backed further away from him.

"No. Ashley please-"

"No Andy. I'm done. I'm sorry." I turned around and ran back to my house. I was supposed to stay at Andy's tonight, but there's no way in hell im going back there after what I just saw.

Andy's POV

As I saw Ashley run away from me, I felt something I've never felt before.

I felt... broken. Destroyed. Like my heart had just exploded inside my chest and would never be able to be fixed.

My head hurt, my stomach hurt, and my chest hurt.

I was lost in my thoughts trying to figure out what I was feeling until I felt something wet hit my hand.

I looked up to see if it was raining, but it wasn't. I felt it again, and then I realized that it was coming from my eyes. What the fuck?

The next thing I knew was that the water in my eyes was making it hard to see and drops of the water kept falling down my face.

It was getting harder and harder to breathe every second and before I knew it, I was gasping for air and breathing heavily and shakily.

My shoulders shook every time I tried to breathe and no matter what I did, I couldn't get this feeling to go away. What the fuck is happening to me?

Am I... crying? No.. that's impossible. I'm a vampire. Vampires don't feel emotions the same way humans do. Vampires can't cry. I've never heard of a vampire crying. What the hell is going on?

I decide to walk to my best friend Chloe's house. Maybe she'll know what the hell is happening to me. I transform back into my "human form" and start walking.

I'm 100% vampire. My "human form" is what I use to fit it with the rest of the world. Chloe is half human and half vampire. She only turns into a vampire when she needs blood.

If only I could just stay in my human form permanently. Then this wouldn't have happened.

I wish I wasn't a vampire. If I was actually human, and only human, I would still have my Ashy. And he would still love me. I just want to be a normal person. God I hate myself so much.

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