73. Lonely (Andy x Kellin)

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A/N: Someone requested a ship between Andy and Kellin where Kellin is usually the one who gets upset easily and needs love/comfort but one day the roles change and Kellin has to comfort Andy.

I honestly love this idea and this ship.


Kellin's POV:

I'm really worried about Andy. He seems so sad recently, but whenever I ask if he's okay, he just says he's fine and shuts down. It worries me when he does that.

As I'm laying on my bed scrolling through Instagram on my phone, I hear a quiet knock on my door. I look up and see my beautiful boyfriend Andy standing in the doorway to my room.

"Can I come in?" Andy asks in a quiet, strained voice.

"Of course, baby. You never have to ask for permission to come in. You're always welcome in here." I say as Andy walks into my room, but still keeps a distance.

The way he's acting is pretty strange. He'll usually jump on the bed and cuddle with me, but right now he seems so shy and scared and like he's somewhere else instead of in the room with me.

"Are you okay, Andy?" I ask as I put my phone down and sit up on the bed. Andy nods.

"I'm fine, Kells." Andy says with a fake smile.

"Andy I know you're lying. I can see right through you. I know that it's usually you that's comforting me, but if you're upset, I want to know so I can help you. I never want you to feel alone. I love you and I'm here for you." I say as I get up and walk over to him. I gently grab his hand and pull him so he's sitting on the bed next to me.

"What's going on, Andy? You've been acting really strange these last few weeks and I'm getting really worried about you. Please talk to me, Andy. I want to be able to help you, but I can't help if I don't know what's going on. I promise you're safe with me. You can tell me anything and I'll never judge you or think any less of you." I say as I wrap an arm around his waist with my hand resting on his lower back.

"I love you so much, Andy. And it hurts me to see you like this. You always find a way to help me when I'm upset, and I want to do the same for you. I love you, Andy. You don't have to go through this alone."

I look up to his face and see that he's crying silently.

"Andy, baby, it's okay." I whisper as I reach up and carefully wipe his tears with my free hand before pulling him into a hug, wrapping my arms around his waist and holding him tightly.

Andy hugs me back and hides his face in my shoulder before breaking down into sobs. My heart breaks and I hold Andy tighter. Seeing him cry is the most heartbreaking thing ever. I hate seeing him so sad. Now I know how he feels whenever he sees me upset or crying.

"It's gonna be okay, baby. I'll help you through whatever's bothering you. You're not alone. You'll always have me, I promise." I whisper as I rub his back, making him hug me tighter and press his face further into my shoulder.

He starts to cry harder, so I carefully lay down with Andy still in my arms and hold him so that his head is on my chest and our arms are wrapped tightly around each other. Andy NEVER cries, so the fact that he's still sobbing into me is making me very worried about him.

"I'm sorry." He whispers through tears and tries to hide himself in my arms as much as he can.

"Shh, Andy, it's okay. You have nothing to be sorry for. This isn't your fault, baby." I whisper as I rub his back and stroke his hair until he calms down almost an hour later.

"What's going on, baby? Why have you been so sad lately?" I ask as I wipe his tears with my thumb, then go back to holding him.

"I'm sorry. I just get sad like this sometimes and it'll last for a few weeks. This hasn't happened in years. I thought I was over this, but I guess not. I'm so sorry." Andy whispers, hiding his face in my chest and holding onto me as if I would disappear at any moment.

"Don't apologize, baby. Whenever you feel sad just come hug me, okay? Then I'll know something's wrong and to just hold you. Okay?" I say as I stroke his hair and gently kiss his forehead.

"I like that." Andy whispers, nearly falling asleep on my chest.

"Go to sleep, Andy. You deserve it, sweetheart." I say as I softly draw random shapes and patterns on his back with my fingers, which sends him to sleep almost immediately.

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