57. Unrequited Love (Andley)

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((Edit- probably should have mentioned this before, but Jake and CC are together in this))

—Jake's POV—

CC and I were sitting on our bed watching a movie, when out of nowhere someone knocked on our door.

I paused the movie while CC went to open the door. When he opened it, Andy was there and he was crying.

"What's wrong, Andy?" he asked concerned as he pulled him into our room.

He tried to say something but before he could, we all heard a door slam. I figured it must have been Ashley since CC, Andy, and I are all in the same room and Jinxx isn't even in the house, nor does he ever really slam things.

After hearing the door slam, Andy started to cry harder and hid his face in his hands.

"Come here, Ands" I said as I pulled him into a hug.

Andy hugged me back and buried his face in my shoulder. I held him tightly and started rubbing his back to try to calm him down.

CC walked over to us and started running his fingers through Andy's hair to try to comfort him somehow.

"CC, can you maybe go talk to Ash and see if something happened between him and Andy?" I asked so only CC could hear. He nodded.

"I'll be right back Andy." he said as he hugged us quickly before going upstairs to Ash's room.

—CC's POV—

"Hey Ash? Can we talk for a sec?" I asked as I knocked on Ashley's door.

"What about?" He said as he opened the door.

"Did something happen between you and Andy?" I asked.

"Why?" Ash asked.

"Because he's really upset right now and he came to Jake and I crying, and right after he came in our room we heard you slam your door shut." I said.

"Okay fine. Yes something happened, but I don't know what or why he's so upset about it. Hell, he didn't even let me finish saying what I was gonna say." Ashley said as he sat down on his bed.

I walked into the room and sat down next to him.

"What were you talking about?" I asked.

"I was saying that I like someone but he left before I could tell him that the person I like is him. I don't understand why he got so upset if I didn't even tell him yet." Ash said sadly.

"He got upset because he probably thinks you were talking about someone else. He likes you Ash. That's probably why he was so upset when you said you like someone" I said "You should go talk to him. He's with Jake in our room. Go talk to Andy! I'll stay in the living room"

"Okay I'll go talk to him. Thanks C" he said as he got up and left the room.

—Ashley's POV—

When I walked into CC and Jake's room, Andy and Jake we're sitting on the bed and Andy was clinging to Jake while crying his eyes out. Jake was trying to comfort him, but he was crying too much to be able to calm down. My heart broke to see him like this, especially because it was my fault he was so hurt and crying so badly.

"Jake? Can I talk to Andy alone for a while?" I asked as I stood by the door.

He nodded and tried to pull away from him, but Andy just hugged him tighter.

"Andy, Ash wants to talk to you. I'll be right outside, okay?"

He nodded and pulled away from him, but I could tell he was scared. He was still crying a lot and was trying to force himself to calm down, but he just cried harder.

Once Jake was out of the room, I went and sat next to Andy on the bed. I put my arm around him and pulled him closer to me so that his head was resting on my shoulder. He started to calm down a little when I did that, so that was good.

"Do you think you can tell me what's wrong?" I asked carefully.

He shook his head.

"Why not? You know you can tell me anything, right?"

"You'll hate me" he whispered and started to cry harder again.

I wrapped both of my arms around him and pulled him as close to me as possible, hugging him tightly. He hid his face in my chest and hugged me back just as tightly. I could feel his tears falling onto my shirt, but I didn't care. I just wanted to make him feel better.

"Andy, honey, I could never hate you. I love you way too much to ever even think about not liking you." I said as I ran my fingers through his hair.

"You're just saying that" he whispered and started to cry harder.

"Andy, I promise I'm not just saying that. Seeing you like this breaks my heart. Please tell me what's wrong so I can help you" I pleaded.

"I love you Ash. More than just a friend. I know you don't feel the same way and when you said you like someone it shattered my heart. I'm sorry for putting you through this. I should be happy for you, but here I am being a little bitch and crying for no reason. God I'm so fucking stupid" he cried.

He tried to pull away from me, but I held onto him tighter and rubbed his back.

"You aren't stupid, Andy. And I love you too. That's what I was trying to tell you earlier, but you didn't let me finish. I should've told you sooner. I love you so much Andy. I didn't mean to make you cry, I'm sorry." I said as I kissed his head.

"You didn't. It's my fault for being like this. And you can't love me. You're perfect and I'm a fucked up piece of shit." He whispered and kept crying.

"Andy, honey, none of that's true. You arent fucked up and you certainly aren't a piece of shit... sweetie, look up at me. I wanna show you something." I said calmly.

He shook his head.

"I can't. I'm a mess" he sobbed.

"You're not a mess, my love. Please, just look up at me" I said.

He pulled away slightly and shyly looked up at me. Before he could look away, I leaned in and gently kissed his lips. He kissed back, and I pulled him closer to me. After a few seconds we both pulled away, and Andy was somewhat calmer now. He was still crying, but not as hard as before.

"See, Andy? I do love you. I wouldn't have been sitting with you holding you and I wouldn't have kissed you if I didn't love you." I said as I wiped his tears with my thumbs and pulled him back into my arms.

"I love you too Ashy" he whispered as he climbed into my lap and hugged me tightly.

"So, Andy, will you be my boyfriend?" I asked as I ran my fingers through his hair.

"I'd love to, Ashy" he said. His voice sounded so warn out and exhausted, probably from all the crying.

"Are you sleepy, love? All that crying had to make you tired."

He nodded and yawned.

"Do you wanna go take a nap in your room?"

He nodded again, so I kissed his head and picked him up to carry him to his room. I knew he'd be too tired to walk, so I carried him.

I laid him down on the bed before laying down next to him. Once I was laying next to him, he immediately moved closer to me and curled into my chest. Aww he's so adorable when he's tired. I wrapped my arms around him protectively and played with his hair until he fell asleep. Once he was asleep, I fell asleep too with my beautiful lover in my arms.

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