64. Hospital Beds- (Part 3)

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Andy and I woke up the next morning by hearing the announcement calling for all the patients to go to the main room for breakfast.

—time skip to after breakfast—

Again, the first person I'm meeting with today is Andy. When he walks into my office, he immediately asks for a hug, which I don't mind. I'll give him as many  hugs as he wants. From what he's told me, he hasn't gotten many hugs from people. Or been shown any sort of love or affection.

"Can you come sit over here with me? Sitting with you makes me feel safer and protected." He asks shyly as he sits down on the couch.

"Sure. anything to make you feel better." I say as I sit next to him.

"Can I ask you something that might make me sound really crazy?" He asks nervously.

"You can ask me anything. I won't think you're crazy." I say.

"I've never told anyone this, but I have- had a twin sister. We were separated at birth and I don't know anything about her, what she looks like, or even what her name is. I've always felt this strange emptiness inside me, like something is missing. And nothing ever filled that emptiness. But then I met you and when I'm with you, I don't feel that emptiness anymore. I feel like I'm somehow connected to you. I know I've winky known you for a day, but I was wondering if maybe you might be my sister? I know it sounds absolutely crazy, since we look nothing alike." He sighs. "you probably think I'm a full on crazy person now. I'm sorry for asking." I could see tears forming in his eyes, so I pulled him into a hug.

"Andy, I know what you mean. I feel like I'm connected to you too. My whole life I've felt like half of me was missing. When I met you, I felt complete. I agree with you. I think it's possible that we could be siblings." I say while holding him in my arms.

"So what should we do? How do we know for sure?" He sniffled.

"Well we could both take a DNA test. That would tell us for sure if were siblings or not. Would you want to do that?" I say.

"Sure. I just really want to know if you're my sister." He sighs.

"Okay, I'll order 2 tests later today so that we can find out." I say.

"Just out of curiosity, when is your birthday? If we have the same birthday, then we'll at least know that it's more likely." He says.

"Okay. My birthday is December 26. When's yours?"

"December 26" he gasps "what year?"

"1990" we both say together.

"Oh my god. We might actually be twins." I say

"I hope we are. I would be so lucky to have you as my sister." He says as he hugs me again.

"And I would be lucky to have you as my brother." I say as I hug him back.

After Andy leaves, I go on my laptop and order the DNA tests. It says they will be delivered to my house on tonight, so I'll bring them tomorrow so Andy and I can find out for sure. If he's really my brother,
I'm taking him out of this place asap. Even if he's not, I'm still gonna do everything I can to get him out of here.

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