80. Broken Pieces

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Title credit: Broken Pieces- Andy Black

I apologize in advance, writing this physically hurt my heart, I'm still not recovered.


Raven's POV:

Today fucking sucked. First, I was late to work because my fucking alarm didn't go off and I got in trouble with my manager. Then, I got stuck on broiler all day, which is my worst station, and we were busy as fuck today and was having a hard time keeping up with all the orders. And of course, the customers inside were getting smartassy with me. I have never been called so many awful things in my life. Welcome to working in food service. (A/N: i work in food service, and yes it is hell. We get treated like shit for no reason. Like come on, we're doing our best.) My shift was 10 hours today with no breaks, so to say I was pissed and exhausted after I got off would be an understatement.

I leave work at 9pm and get in my car and drive home. Once I'm home, I walk inside and see that the apartment is an absolute mess- dirty dishes everywhere, clearly hasn't been vacuumed in a while, and my husband Andy just sitting on the couch playing on his phone.

"Of course it's a fucking mess in here. Goddammit." I say under my breath, not in the mood to deal with anything.

"Um, hello to you too?" Andy says back, sounding slightly nervous from my attitude. Whatever. I'm not in the mood for his bullshit.

"Yeah. Hi. You really couldn't have at least tried to clean some of this shit up? This is your apartment too, you know." I say as I throw my shit down and kick my shoes off.

"I-I'm sorry. I just got home like an hour ago. I was just tired, I'm sorry. I'll do it in the morning." Andy says, getting up and backing away slightly.

"What the fuck ever. I'm fucking tired too, Andy! And I'm always the one stuck doing everything while you sit around and do absolutely fucking nothing except write depressing ass songs for people you don't even know. And if they did know you, they'd get sick of your shit real quick." I yell back, not even meaning anything I'm saying.

I realize after that what I said was awful and not true at all, and I immediately regret it. Andy jumps back and looks at me with watery eyes and pure hurt across his face. Fuck I'm such an asshole.

"Andy-" I start, but he cuts me off.

"Don't." Is all he says and turns to go upstairs to our room.

I decide to give him a few minutes to cool off as well as myself before I say something else to upset him. That's the last thing I ever wanted to do, yet I managed to hurt him anyways. I sit down on the couch and cry quietly to myself for awhile before eventually going upstairs to find Andy and apologize for everything I said.

I get outside our room and my heart breaks. I can hear Andy crying pretty hard, and it breaks my heart that I made him this upset. I slowly open the door and my heart shatters. Andy's sitting on the floor against the wall with his face hidden in his knees, heavily crying and visibly shaking.

"Baby..." I whisper as I sit down next to him, putting my hand on his shoulder.

"What do you want?" He whispers back, barely able to speak through his sobs.

"Baby, I'm so so sorry. I didn't mean anything I said. It's just, work sucked ass today and I took it out on you. I never should've yelled at you, or said that shit about your music. Your music is everything to your fans, and to me. You are everything to me. Fuck, I'm so sorry love. I love you more than anything, darling. You didn't do anything wrong at all. Cleaning is my responsibility too, and we've both just been too busy to get around to it. It's not your fault at all, baby. It's not anyones. Fuck I'm so sorry, baby." I say to him, trying not to cry myself. Seeing him cry like this, and knowing it's my fault is tearing my apart inside. He didn't deserve this.

Andy sniffles and looks up at me, tears still falling from his eyes. I reach up and wipe them away, leaving my hand on his face. Andy leans into my hand and I move closer to him, wrapping my other arm around his shoulders.

"I get it. Work stress brings out the worst in people. Sorry I overreacted." Andy whispers, trying to calm himself down and stop crying.

"No, baby, you didn't overreact at all. The only person who overreacted here is me. None of this is your fault. You did absolutely nothing wrong, my love. You didn't deserve any of this. I'm so sorry. I promise, baby, I will never ever let it get to this point again. I should've just told you what was going on instead of lashing out. I don't even care about the mess. Like, at all. I was just stressed and pissed and looking for something to take it out on. I'm so so sorry." I say as I pull him into a hug, hearing him starting to cry again.

"It just- it really hurt to hear all that. Especially from you. Am I really that worthless?" He whispers, then crying harder.

"Baby, you are not worthless. You're amazing, and perfect, and loving, and sweet, and kind, and caring, and beautiful, and adorable, and you write the most beautiful songs I've ever heard, and your voice is my favorite thing to hear. And you are my favorite thing to be around and look at. I never wanna be anywhere else but by your side.  I wouldn't trade you for anything. You're worth everything and more to me. You're my whole world, beautiful. And I'm so sorry I made you feel like you're not. I promise baby, you are amazing. And I love you more than there are stars in the sky." I say, trying so hard not to cry too. I hate myself so fucking much for hurting my baby and making him so upset like this. Fuck I'm an awful person.

"D-do you really mean that?" Andy asks, looking up at me as if me saying no would destroy him completely.

"Oh baby, of course I mean it. You are incredible, and I don't deserve someone so perfect." I say as I wipe more tears off his face before hugging him tightly.

Andy hugs me back this time, curling up to me and hiding his face in my shoulder, crying into me.

"I-I love you." He whispers, hugging me tight.

"Oh baby, I love you so fucking much, my sweet angel." I say as I hold him tighter and rub his back, trying to comfort him somehow. 

I kiss his forehead and pull him closer, wishing I could take back everyrhing I said earlier. Andy cries in my arms for almost an hour before finally starting to calm down. Once he calms down a bit and isn't crying as much, I stand up,  carefully picking him up in my arms and carrying  him to our bed. It's a bit difficult since he's taller than me, but I'll do anything to comfort him and make him feel loved again. Andy squeals as I pick him up and holds onto me tightly. I lay down on our bed with Andy and cuddle him close. Andy relaxes in my arms and curls up to me, laying his head on my chest and wrapping his arms tightly around me. He finally stopped crying, and now clearly just needs lots of affection and reassurance, which I will gladly give him. I wipe the last of his tears away and stroke his soft black hair as I hold him, whispering all the things I love about him until he eventually falls asleep in my arms. Once Andy's asleep, I pull the blanket over us and kiss his forhead again before falling asleep with him. I love this beautiful human more than anything else ever. And I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I ever hurt him again.

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