13. Coming Out

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—Chloe's POV—

I felt my phone vibrate while I was sitting on my bed watching TV. I picked it up and saw that I had a text from my best friend Andy.

A: Hey Chloe. Can I possibly come over right now if you're not busy?

C: sure! Text me when your here xx

A: thanks. I'm leaving now

I turned my phone off and started to clean my room up a little bit so we could maybe at least walk in here without tripping over shit.

Oh who am I kidding? That'll take years.

I had just finished cleaning my room (sorta) when my phone went off with another text from Andy saying he was here.

As I was walking down the stairs, my mom yelled "Chloe! Andy's here walking up the stairs".

I ran to the front door and opened it to let him in. He seemed kinda sad about something.

"Hey Ands. You okay?" I asked softly. He closed his eyes tightly and shook his head as he let out a few sobs. I grabbed his arm and pulled him into the house and straight into my arms.

"What's wrong Ands?" I asked as I hugged him tight and started rubbing his back.

"They don't love me anymore" He whispered between quiet sobs as he clung onto to me even tighter.

"Who doesn't?"

"My parents" he cried even harder and hugged me as tightly as he could, hiding his face in my shoulder.

"What happened?" I asked trying to stay calm, seeing as Andy was already upset enough.

"They kicked me out." He sobbed.

"Why would they kick you out?"

"I can't tell you."

"Why not?"

"You'll hate me too"

"Andy I could never hate you! There's nothing you could ever do to make me hate you. I'll love you no matter what!" I said as I held him tighter.

"Do you wanna go to my room and talk about this?" He nodded and pulled away as he dried his tears. or tried to at least.

I grabbed his hand and led him up the stairs and into my room. I shut my door and we both sat down on my bed.

"You know you can tell me anything, right?" I said softly as I put my arm around him.

"Promise you won't hate me?" He looked at me and his eyes were filled with fear and tears.

"I promise. I could never hate you" I said as I wiped the tears from under his eyes.

"I'm.....g-gay" he whispered.

"I know. You hate me now. Just say it already and get it over with." He whispered as he looked down at the ground and started to cry again.

"Andy, it's okay. There's nothing wrong with being gay. If your parents kicked out out just for liking boys, then they have a lot of things they need to work out. I love you Andy." I said as I pulled him back into my arms and held him tightly to me. He hugged me back and hid his face in my shoulder.

"You can live with me if you need a place to stay. You can stay in the guest room. My parents will agree. They don't have anything against gay people. My mom's brother is gay and they're okay with it."

"You mean that?" He asked.

"Of course I do. I love you so much Andy. Nothing will ever change that." I said as he snuggled closer to me.

"I love you too. Thank you"

Andy Biersack imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now