27. Broken hearts

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A/N: requested by my irl friend Luna [edit: now my ex friend. Screw you Luna. I'm done with you hurting me]

Prompt: You and Andy are hanging out together and he's sad about something, so you cuddle with him to comfort him. that was really random lol


——Chloe's POV——

My best friend Andy and I are laying on the couch in my living room watching Batman and cuddling. He's laying on my chest and his arms are wrapped around me. I have my arms wrapped around him as well and I'm running my fingers through his hair. He seems really upset about something, but he won't tell me what's bothering him. I asked him a few times, but he doesn't seem to want to talk about it, so I guess I'll just drop it until he's ready to talk. About half way through the episode, I felt Andy start shaking in my arms. I looked down to check on him, and his eyes were red and he had tears running down his face.

"Aw Andy, what's wrong boo?" I whispered.

He just shook his head since he didn't want to talk, probably because he didn't trust his voice.

I pulled him closer to me and he cried quietly into my shirt. I held him as tightly as I could and whispered sweet nothings to try and calm him down. Of course, now my mom decides to walk in and see what we're watching. I swear she always walks in at the worst times.

"Hi guys, whatcha watching?" She asked.

"Batman." I said as I rolled my eyes at her.

"Oh cool" she said as she sat down in her chair in the other side of the room.

I could tell her being in here made Andy feel pretty uncomfortable, since he tensed up quite a bit and tightened his arms around me while holding his breath so she wouldn't hear him crying. A few minutes passed, and Andy clearly couldn't deal with her being in the room anymore.

"I gotta go to the bathroom. I'll be right back" he said quickly and he got up and ran out of the room. I figured I would give him a couple minutes to cool down before checking on him so my mom wouldn't get suspicious. Not even 5 minutes passed before I heard him scream as loud as he could.

"CHLOE!!!!" He yelled. He sounded like he was terrified of something, so by instinct, I ran up the stairs as fast as I could.

"CHLOE!!!!" He screamed again, even louder this time.

"I'm coming Ands" I yelled back so he would know I wasn't far from him.

I ran to my room and opened the door. When I walked in, Andy was sitting on the floor screaming and crying his heart out and he was holding a razor blade in his hand. I shut the door and locked it so no one else could come in and ran over to him. I sat down in front of him and gently took the blade out of his hand.

"Andy, love, what are you doing?" I asked as I held both of his hands in mine.

"I-I f-feel l-like c-cut-ing a-again." He said while choking on sobs and hiccups.

Hearing him say that made my heart shatter.

"It's okay. We'll work through this together, alright?" I asked softly.

He nodded.

"C-can you h-hold m-me?" He whispered while trying to control his crying, but failing.

"Come here love" I said as I opened my arms for him.

He moved himself closer and threw his arms around me, sobbing into my chest. I held him tightly and rubbed his back. His sobs got stronger causing him to start shaking more than he already was and his breathing sped up. He gripped onto the back of my shirt tightly and was sobbing through clenched teeth, causing him to cry even harder.

"Shh calm down hon. It's okay.... it's okay... I got you. You're gonna be okay boo. I love you so much sweetie. You're alright love. Whatever it is, I'll help you through it. It's all gonna be okay" I kept whispering sweet things until he managed to calm down a bit.

"Do you think you can tell me what's wrong now" I whispered as I pulled away slightly and wiped the tears off his face.

"Ash- Ashley ch-cheated o-on m-me" He said quietly before breaking down again.

"I'm so sorry love. You don't deserve that." I whispered as I pulled him back into my arms and held him tightly.

"I-it h-hurts so b-bad" he sobbed.

"Shh I know honey, I know. I know it hurts like hell now, but you'll come out stronger than him in the end. You'll feel better soon. I'm gonna be right here by your side through this." I whispered while softly rubbing his back and holding him tight.


A/N: I have no fucking clue where I was going with this, so I'm just ending it here. I wrote this like 6 months ago and it's just been sitting here for forever so I give up and I'm just posting it. Whatever. Next one will be better sorry. Maybe I'll update twice today since this one wasn't that good. [also, the person who requested this isn't really named Luna. I changed the name for privacy reasons]

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