7. Trauma

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A/N: sorry for kinda disappearing for a while

TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions suicide, depression, over-dose, and possibly more. If any of these things trigger you, DO NOT read this.

Raven's POV:

My best friend Andy and I were sitting on the couch in the living room of the apartment we share. The two of us were watching Degrassi, my favorite show. We were watching season 3, since it had just come out and season 2 had ended on such a cliffhanger and I NEEDED to know what happened.

In the show, the character Maya is acting really weird and sort of scary unlike in the last season. When Maya starts acting strange, I noticed Andy starting to act a little differently too. He's sitting a lot closer to me than he normally does and his hands are shaking.

"Are you okay?" I asked him as I turned to face him, resting my hand on his.

"Yeah. J-just kinda tired." he responded, his voice sounded shaky and he looked paler than usual.

"Are you sure? You know you can tell me if you aren't."

He nodded.

The two of us continued watching the show. On the show, Maya was crying to her mom saying that she didn't think the old Maya was in her anymore and that she needed help and was really scared. I looked over at Andy again and I could see tears forming in his eyes. I knew he'd just say he's fine if I said anything, so I didn't. I just put my arm around him and gently rubbed his arm as a way of trying to comfort him.

As the show continued, I kept my arm around him to try and make him feel safe. When it gets to the scene where Maya in on the bus taking a bunch of pills, I felt Andy start shaking and his breathing became pretty unstable. I looked over to him and his eyes were closed tightly and he was covering his face with hands, and a few tears fell from his eyes even though he was obviously trying to stop them. I paused the show and pulled him towards me as I wrapped my arms around him. He hugged me back and laid his head on my shoulder.

"Andy please tell me what's wrong. You're my best friend. I just want to help you." I whispered as I rubbed his back gently.

Andy's POV:

Of course I just now realize that I hadn't told her about my sister's suicide. She committed suicide a few years before I met Raven. Before she died, she acted the exact same way this Maya character did. That's why I kept getting so emotional every time I saw Maya. When I saw Maya take the pills, I broke because that's how my sister committed.

Raven's POV:

"My sister killed herself by overdosing a few years before I met you." he said between sobs.

"Oh my gosh Andy. I'm so sorry" I whispered to him while holding him even tighter and gently rocked him as he started to cry harder.

"Andy if you can't watch this, don't. I don't want it to hurt you. If you can't watch it, I'll turn it off and watch it later. Or just look away when Maya comes on the screen and I'll mute it until she's gone, Okay?"

He nodded. After he stopped crying, I wiped his tears that had stained his face and let him lay on my shoulder for the rest of the show. I muted the TV until Maya was off the screen and he kept his eyes closed. After Maya was off the screen, I asked him if he wanted anything to eat or drink. He asked for water, so I got up and went into the kitchen. While I was in the kitchen, I heard Andy scream.

I ran back into the living room and he was hugging his knees to his chest and was sobbing his heart out. I looked up on the screen and of course, Maya was OD-ing and Esme an Zig were calling 911. I ran over to him and shut the TV off and wrapped my arms around him as tight as i could.

"Aw Andy, I told you you didn't have to watch it with me." I said as I rubbed his back and rocked him slowly.

"I was the one that found her, Raves. She looked exactly like Maya" he sobbed as he curled up to me and hugged me.

I didn't even know how to respond to that. The only thing I could think of was to keep holding him and not let him go until he felt better.

After he calmed down, he pulled away slightly, but kept his head on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry" he whispered quietly.

"For what? You didn't do anything." I answered while rubbing his arm.

"For freaking out so much. I've just-- I've never told anyone about my sister. It was always too hard to even think about, let alone say it out loud" He said as his voice started to become shaky again.

He turned his head and buried his face in my shoulder. I felt his tears fall onto my shirt.

"Andy you don't need to apologize for anything. Your my best friend. Best friends are supposed to be there for each other during times like this. It's what I'm here for." I said calmly as I hugged him again.

A few minutes later, we both decided it would be best if we watched something else. Since I knew Andy was still pretty sad, I decided to surprise him by putting Batman on. He laid on my shoulder for the entire movie. We decided to go to bed after the movie since it was pretty late. We both walked upstairs to our rooms and before I walked into my room, Andy grabbed my arm and pulled me into another hug.

"Thanks for putting up with me. I don't know what I'd do without you" he said as he hugged me tighter.

"That's what I'm here for, Andy. You're my best friend. I'll always be here for you. And I'm not 'putting up with you'. I'm being your best friend. And if you need me, just come knock on my door. I'm only 3 feet away from you." I said as I hugged him as tight as i could.

We both said goodnight to each other and went to our rooms.

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