54. Sad days

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A/N: explanation of why I wrote this even though there's on similar to it already at the end.

—Andy's POV—

I don't know why, but I feel so sad and emotional right now. I feel like shit and all I want to do right now is cry as hard as I possibly can.

I get up off the bed and go downstairs. I open the closet by the front door, grab one of my hoodies (even though I'm already wearing one), and walk over to the couch. I sit on the couch with my legs pulled into my chest and hide my face in my knees, using my hoodie as a pillow, and just cry my heart out. My whole body is shaking from how hard I'm crying right now.

After sitting here sobbing for a while, I hear the front door open. I don't want anyone to see me like this, so I throw my hoodie across the room and run into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I sit on the floor with my back against the door and keep crying just as hard as before. I try to cry silently, but I can't calm down enough to.

"Andy? You here?" I hear someone yell.

I recognize the voice as my best friend Chloe and as I'm about to unlock the door and run to her, she knocks on the door.

"Andy? Are you okay honey? Open the door" she says.

I get up and open the door and fall into her arms sobbing and crying my eyes out.

"Hey, whats wrong, love?" She asks softly as she hugs me tight and rubs my back.

"I-I don't know b-but I c-can't s-stop c-cry-ing a-and- and I f-feel so w-worthless" I say as I cry harder.

"Shh... you're not worthless, Andy. come here" she whispers, picking me up and carrying me over to the couch.

She sits down with me on her lap, holding me tightly while rubbing my back and playing with my hair to try to calm me down.

"I-I just w-wanna c-cry" I sob even harder, holding onto her as tight as I can and burying my face in her chest.

"Shh it's okay honey, it's okay... you're alright.. I got you" she whispers as she holds me tighter.

I stay in her arms and cry for what feels like hours until my sobs subside to small sniffles and gasps for air.

After I stop crying, Chloe gently wipes the tears off my face and hugs me tightly again.

"Do you feel better now honey?" She asks softly while rubbing my back to keep me calm.

"Only because you're here holding me now. I still feel like I wanna cry, but I think I'm okay now" I say back, my voice hoarse and scratchy from crying.

"I love you Andy. You're gonna be okay love" she says as she holds me tighter.

The two of us spent the rest of the day in each other's arms since I was still kinda sad and Chloe put Batman on and held me until I fell asleep.

A/N: the reason why I wrote this is because I've been really sad lately and this is actually how I was earlier today. I needed a way to get my emotions out other than crying to Chloe again, so I decided to write this.

I apologize if this was shit. I kinda feel like shit right now so I guess it makes sense for this to be shit. I was literally crying while I was writing this so sorry if there were a lot of mistakes.


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