93. This Is Where It Ends (Part 3)

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Final part of this mini series lol
Sorry for taking so long to update. There's been a lot of bullshit going on, but I'm working on some new ones and hopefully it wont take me almost a month to update again lol I'll try my best.



Raven's POV-

"Fuckin hell where's my eyeliner?" I say to myself while searching through the bus bathroom. I'm currently on tour with Andy for his solo album and I can't find my eyeliner anywhere. Maybe Andy borrowed it again and forgot to put it back. I search through his makeup and sure enough, there it is. As I'm putting the eyeliner on my eye, I hear the bus door open, nearly making me stab myself in the eye.

"Raven! You need to go to the dressing room. Andy's crying." I hear his manager say, sounding worried.

"Shit, what's wrong?" I say as I drop what I'm doing and put my shoes on.

"I don't know. He just started crying for some reason. Lonny's with him trying to calm him down, but I think he just needs you." He says.

Lonny is Andy's guitarist for this tour. They only just met a few weeks ago and they're already pretty much best friends.
"Fuck okay, I'm going  over there." I say, running out of the bus and to the dressing room.

I walk in the dressing room and see Andy and Lonny sitting on the couch. Andy has his arms crossed on the arm rest with his  face buried in his arms and Lonny is sitting next to him rubbing his back. I hear Andy crying softly and my heart breaks.

"Andy, baby, what's wrong, love?" I ask as I kneel down in front on him, placing my hands on his knees.

Andy sits up and looks at me, his eyes red and his face wet with tears. I take his hands in mine and gently rub the backs of his hands with my thumbs.

"Everything just feels wrong without them..." Andy whisper's, his voice cracking. He doesn't even have to explain. I know what he's talking about.

"I know baby..." I whisper. "You guys will find someone. At least you know for sure the four of you can still work together under the same name." I say. The band's manager went to court a while ago and worked everything out. Ashley is no longer a threat to any of them.

"I know...it just hurts... He used to be my friend, and then he tried to take everything from me... And we're having such a hard time finding someone to replace him, I'm not sure we ever will. I don't wanna be doing this without them. They belong onstage with me. And I belong with them. This solo stuff is fine on the side, but not full time. I just want things to be okay again.." Andy says, breaking down in tears again.

"Oh baby, I know..." I whisper, getting up and sitting on the other side of Andy on the couch, wrapping my arms around him.

Andy hugs me back and rests his head on my shoulder, crying into me. I wish there was something I could do to fix everything for him, but all I can do is sit here and hold him through it.

"What if I joined the band?" Lonny says suddenly. "I've been looking for a band for forever!"

"I don't wanna put you in that position, Lon. I don't want to take opportunities from you." Andy says, sitting up and trying to calm himself down.

"You're not, Andy. I've been a fan since your first song, and I can play all your songs. Plus I'd get to work with my best friend. I'd do anything for you, Andy. And seeing you like this breaks my heart." Lonny says, wrapping his arm around Andy's shoulders.

"You're sure you want to do this? I don’t wanna pressure you. I would love you have you in the band, and I can't believe I didn't think of this sooner! But this has to be your decision. I don't wanna put too much pressure on you." Andy says, sounding slightly hopeful.

"Andy, listen. I want to help you guys. I would absolutely love to be in the band with you guys!" Lonny says.

"Okay! Let's call the guys and see what they think." Andy says, taking out his phone to group call CC, Jake, and Jinxx.

"Hey Andy whats up?" The guys say as they each join the call.

"I think I have someone who can replace Ash." Andy says, biting his lip. 

"Really? Who?" CC says, sounding excited.

"Lonny. He's my guitarist on tour right now. We talked and he said he would love to join us. I think he'll fit right in with us!" Andy says. "He's sitting next to me right now of you guys wanna say hi to him." He adds.

"Hell yea! Hi Lonny!" Jake says, followed by the others.

The guys all talk with Lonny for a while and they seem to be getting along great. I haven't seen Andy this happy in so long. After everything that's been going on, I wasn't sure I'd ever see him happy again.

"Okay this guy is seriously awesome! You're in, Lonny" I hear Jinxx say.

They all talk for a few more minutes before hanging up. Once they hang up, Andy turns to Lonny and hugs him tight. Lonny seems slightly shocked at first, but then hugs Andy back.

"Thank you so much. You're gonna love the guys. They already love you, I can tell." Andy says, pulling back.

"Anything for you, Andy." Lonny says.

"Andy, Lonny, you're on in 2 minutes lets go!" Their manager says as he runs into the room.

"Oh fuck! Come on, Lon, we gotta go!" Andy says, getting up and running out of the room with Lonny and going onstage.

I'm so damn happy they figured something out. It was killing me to see Andy so upset all the time. Hell, I was about to try and learn bass so I could join them, even though I have no musical talent at all what so ever. Lonny really is the best person for this. I can't wait to see what amazing things they do together.

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