33. Best Worst Day (Andley)

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A/N: I also added A LOT to the chapter "You'll Be Fine" and made the ending a lot better than it originally was, so if you wanna go check that one out again it's there.


Andy's POV:

Today has literally been hell. First I woke up an hour late for band practice and set everyone behind. Then while I was driving home, the idiot driving behind me didn't hit his brakes on time and his car bumped into mine at a red light, and I also had a panic attack when that happened which made everything worse. Even right now I'm still shaking a little from it.

Once I get home, I flop down onto the couch and scream into a pillow to let my frustration out. Thankfully none of the other band members are home yet (we all live together in one house). They all went out to a bar or something after practice. I didn't really feel like going. I lay down on the couch and turn the TV to watch some Batman to try to cheer myself up, but about half way through the movie, the stupid power goes out. I take out my phone to continue the movie since I had it downloaded, but apparently my phone had died at some point and the power is out so I can't charge it.

"JESUS FUCKING CHRIST COULD THIS DAY GET ANY WORSE?" I scream as I bury my face into the pillow again.

Right as I'm about to fall asleep, I hear the door unlock and someone walks in. I look up to see that it's Ashley- my bandmate, best friend, and the man im secretly in love with.  

I know he doesn't feel the same though. That feeling is confirmed yet again when I see that he has a girl with him. Great. Another slut. Probably his new "girlfriend". Fuck my life.

Not being able to handle seeing Ashley with that girl, I get up off the couch and run upstairs into my room. I hear Ashley calling after me, but I don't answer him. I shut the door and mentally curse the fact that it doesn't have a lock. I lie down on my bed with my face buried in my pillow and I start to cry like the overly sensitive child I am. This day really could not get worse.

"Andy? Are you okay?" I hear Ashley say as he cautiously opens the door to my room.

"Leave me alone!" I say. I really didn't want him to leave, but I doubt he'll want to deal with my bullshit. He'd rather go be with his "girlfriend".

"Andy..... come on, you know you can talk to me.. what's wrong?" He asks as he sits down on my bed next to me and places his hand on my back. I guess I was wrong. Maybe he does care.

"Everything!" I sob as I sit up next to him.

"What do you mean sweetheart?" He asks calmly as he takes my hands in his.

He always calls me pet names when I'm sad. As cute and sweet as it is, it still hurts me since I know he'll never feel the same way about me.

"I woke up late for practice and pushed us all behind, I got in a small car accident on my way home because the idiot behind me didn't hit his brakes in time at a red light, it wasn't that bad but it was scary, and it made me have a panic attack. When I got here, I was watching Batman to try to take my mind off everything but the power went out and my phone and laptop are dead and I can't charge them because we have no power. And the guy I love doesn't love me back. I know it's a stupid reason to be upset but I guess on top of everything else it just set me off." I say as I hide my face in my hands and keep crying.

Ashley wraps his arms around me and pulls me into a hug, letting me to cry into his chest and rubs my back as I cry.

"Shh it's alright Andy.. everyone has off days sometimes. No one's gonna think any less of you for showing up late once. CC's forgotten to show up at all so many times I've lost track, but we all still love him, just like we all still love you. As for the car accident, I'm so glad you're okay and that it wasn't too major. You're safe and that's what matters. And I'm sorry you had a panic attack. I know those are hell for you to go through. Especially when you're by yourself. But you got through it, and I'm proud of you for that. The power will come back soon and we can watch all the Batman you want. And for the guy you like, have you told him how you feel?" He says calmly as he continues to hold me in his arms.

"No. And I can't. He'll hate me if I do." I cry.

"Andy, he'd be absolutely insane not to love you back. Can you tell me who it is?" He asks softly. I shake my head.

"No.. you'll hate me... the whole band will..." I say as I cry harder to the point where I can't breathe.

"Andy, honey, you need to breathe. Don't get so worked up love. I couldn't hate you even if I tried... wait.. is it someone in the band? Is that why you're scared to tell me?" He asks quietly.

I nod hesitantly.

"Come on Ands. You know none of us will hate you. Who is it?"

"Guess" I say.

"Umm... CC?" I shake my head.

"Jake?" I shake my head again.

"Jinxx?" Again.

"Wait... Andy, is it... me?" He asks nervously. I nod and cry even harder.

"I know.. You think I'm disgusting now and you hate me. I-" He cuts me off by pulling away slightly and kissing my lips, stopping my tears immediately. Without thinking of the consequences, I kiss back. 

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that."  He says as he wipes my tears with his thumb.

"You- you don't hate me?" I ask nervously.

"Honey... I told you I could never hate you. I love you way too much to ever hate you. Or even not like you." He says as he pulls me back into his arms and hugs me tighter. "Andy, will you be my boyfriend?" He asks happily.

"But what about the girl you walked in with?" I say as tears start to fill my eyes again and I pull away.

"Andy, she's my cousin. She needed to borrow my car to get to work since hers won't start. She came in to use the bathroom. That's all. Andy, I like you. And only you. I only slept around with girls to get my mind off of you since I thought you'd never like me back. I'm so sorry I hurt you Ands. I love you and I wanna be with you. So will you?" He says as he wipes my tears again.

"Yes!" I practically scream. We kiss again and he rests his forehead on mine after we pull away.

"I love you so much Andy" He says.

"I love you too Ashy" I say as I smile for the first time today.

The power came back on a few minutes later and the two of us cuddled on the couch watching Batman for the rest of the day.

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