46. Always (Pt. 2)

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—Still Andy's POV—

//time skip: 2-3 weeks//

I woke up and once again felt like shit. I hate being so goddamn depressed all the time. I decided to check my Twitter to try to distract myself from the shit happening in my head, but that didn't help at all. I've been getting so much hate on social media and even though I tried not to let it get to me, it really hurt me. The things people have been calling me cut me deeper than any knife could.

I turned my phone off and already I could feel myself crying. Hot, stinging tears filled my eyes and fell down my face every time I blinked as hard sobs tore out of my throat.

I pulled my legs into my chest and buried my head in my knees as I cried. I wiped my eyes every few seconds but it did nothing to stop the tears from falling. I really I wanted someone to come hold me, but I knew no one would want to put up with me. Then I remembered what Chloe had told me a few weeks ago. She said that if I ever felt like crying to call her and she would come help me.

I took out my phone again and called her.

C: "Hey Andy! What's up?"

A: "I-I ne-ed y-you"

C: "I'm coming sweetie. Where are you?"

A: "m-my r-room"

C: "okay sweetheart, stay there. I'll let myself in and I'll come up there okay?"

A: "o-ok"

C: "hang in there love. I'm on my way now. I love you"

After we hung up, I continued crying until she got here. After a few minutes, I felt the bed sink down next to me and someone wrap their arms around me, pulling me into their chest. Finally Chloe's here. I wrapped my arms around her and clung to her as tightly as I could while I cried my heart out hard into her chest.

"Shh it's okay Ands. I'm here now. I've got you sweetheart" she whispered as she rubbed my back and started slowly rocking us back and forth.

She held me like this until I eventually stopped crying. After I had calmed down, she pulled away and wiped my tears with her sleeve.

"Do you want to talk about what made you upset?" She asked carefully as she put her arm around me.

I knew that if I tried talking about it I would break down again, so I shook my head.

"That's okay. You can tell me when you're ready" she said as she pulled me into another hug.

Even though I couldn't tell her what upset me, she still stayed with me and held me until I was okay again.

Andy Biersack imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now