86. Anxiety In Real Time

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Sorry for the wait, school has been kicking my ass lately. And nightmares of my psycho ex have been getting worse, so thats fun.

Anyways, hope you all enjoy this. I think this might be one of my favorites.

Title credit- Anxiety In Real Time- The Maine

((im warning you, if you end up listening to this, the end is creepy as fuck. It scared the living shit out of me the first time I heard it. It's an awful static sound. The rest of the song is sooo good tho))

Raven's POV:

I wake up at around 10am laying in bed next to my boyfriend Andy. I look over and see that Andy is still asleep, cuddled up in the blanket that's pulled over him. Andy's not been feeling great lately, and his anxiety has been awful these last few weeks, so seeing him to peaceful makes my heart flutter.

I decide that while he's asleep, I'll run to the store  and grab some of his favorite snacks and a few dvds to watch, as well as a few more blankets so we can make a fort in the living room. I wanna do something cute with him to show him I love him and maybe lift his mood a little. I carefully get up and dressed before leaving a note on the kitchen counter saying I went to the store so Andy knows where I am incase he wakes up. He tends to get scared when he's alone, so I'll try to be fast.

I get to the store and pick out a few snacks as well as 4 giant fluffy blankets and a few batman movies that we (very surprisingly) don't already own. I also go look at the stuffed animals too since I can't go to a store and not look for stuffies. I love them so much, and Andy does too. He won't admit it, but I've found him cuddling with my plushies before and I think it's the cutest and sweetest thing ever. While looking at the stuffed animals, I find a cute cat stuffed animal that immediately makes me think of Andy. I decide to get it for him and pick up the cat stuffed animal and carefully put it in the cart on the blankets  before going in line to check out.

As I'm walking to the checkout, I pass the floral section and see a bouquet of black and red roses. Black and red are Andy's favorite colors, so I decide to get him the flowers as well. Okay, now I'm actually gonna go check out. The line takes forever, but eventually I pay for everything before going back to my car and driving back home.


I wake up at almost 11am and see that my girlfriend Raven isn't in bed next to me and I'm in bed alone. Almost immediately, I start to feel an overwhelming sense of loneliness rush over me, and I decide to get up go look for Raven in the house to ask for a hug. I've been pretty anxious and sad lately, and the only thing that's been helping me to calm down is Raven's hugs. I get up and go downstairs, the silence in the house causing my anxiety to grow and once I get downstairs, I see a note on the counter saying Raven is at the store, meaning I'm here alone with my thoughts for who knows how much longer. I try to sit on the couch and play on my phone until she comes back, but I feel my anxiety rising by the minute the longer I'm here. Eventually my brain goes to the "what if she doesn't love you anymore and doesn't come back" thoughts. I try as hard as I can to distract from it, but the thoughts just keep getting louder and louder until I can't hear anything else and I feel my throat closing up on me. I put my phone down and try to catch my breath, but eventually just end up pacing around the room, shaking and hyperventilating as tears fall down my face and I find myself scratching roughly at the insides of my arms. The longer this goes on, the harder it is to breathe and I fear that this may never go away. The only thing that helps in these situations is Raven, but she's probably done with me and not coming back. Eventually I can't see anything through my tears and the walls feel like they're closing in on me. After who knows how much longer of this, I hear the door to the house open.

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