87. Dreams Become Nightmares

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Whats this? 2 updates in a row? Damn lol


Title credit: Nightmares- Palaye Royale


Andy's POV:

"Wait, you seriously thought I could actually love someone like you?" Raven says to me. She just came home from work and admitted to being in love with one of her coworkers.

"You're fucking pathetic, you know that? Always fuckin crying about shit or freaking out over nothing. You seriously need to grow up if you ever want someone to love you." Raven says, packing her things to leave. I feel tears in my eyes and it's taking everything in me to not just start sobbing like a child.

"If you didn't love me then why did you stay?" I say, my voice shaking as I try to push back tears. I never thought she would leave me. I'm so stupid for ever believing anyone could ever love me.

"Why did I stay? Because I felt bad for you. I didn't want to be the one to break your heart. But all you do is sit here and cry and complain, begging for any attention you can get, and I'm sick of it. I found someone who I love, and who loves me, and you need to accept that. I never loved you, I just didn't know how to tell you." Raven says, walking out the door and leaving forever. The second she's gone, I fall to the ground and scream as much as I can until it turns into uncontrollable sobs and heavy tears. I don't bother even trying to stop crying. I'll never be okay again. I'll stay here and cry until it kills me because that's what I deserve. I'm worth nothing.



I wake up some time in the middle of the night hearing my boyfriend Andy screaming next to me. I look over and see that Andy's sitting up in bed and looking around the room panicked, and shaking and sweating like hell.

"Andy, baby, you're okay love. It wasn't real." I say as I sit up next to him and out my arm around his shoulders, realizing that he must've had a nightmare.

Andy jumps and looks at me with pure fear and heartbreak in his eyes, and the second he sees me, he bursts into tears, sobbing hard and throwing his arms around me tightly, pressing his face into my neck.

"Shh, it's okay Andy. You're alright. Everything's okay, darling." I whisper, rubbing his back and kissing his head.

Andy holds onto me as tight as he can, pushing himself into my lap and leaning against me, trying to be as close to me as possible.

"Oh baby, it's okay. I promise, whatever it was isn't real, okay? You're okay, love. Everything's okay." I whisper, holding him tighter and rubbing his back, trying to comfort him however I can.

Andy stays in my arms and sobs heavily into my shoulder until he eventually can't cry anymore and is just holding me tight and shaking in my arms.

"Do you wanna talk about it, sweetheart?" I ask him, pulling away slightly to wipe tears off his face and kiss his forehead, holding his face in my hands and stroking his cheeks with my thumbs.

"Y-you left me. You said you- you never loved me, and you found s-someone else and- and you said I- I was p-pathetic and need to- to grow up- and- " Andy says before cutting himself off by breaking down into sobs again and leaning against me again.

"Oh baby, no. You're not pathetic at all, my love. And I love you exactly the way you are. You don't need to change a single thing about your beautiful self, my love. You're perfect. And I could never ever even think about liking anyone even half as much as you, let alone love someone else more. You're the only one I ever have and ever will love. You're my everything. And I will always love you no matter what, darling." I say as I hold him tighter, rubbing his back as he cries and cries, his body shaking like hell as I hold him.

"Sweetheart, it's okay. I'm right here. I'll never ever leave you, baby. I love you so fucking much, my love." I say as I lay down with Andy in my arms laying on me, holding him tighter against me.

Andy lays his head on my chest and clinging onto me as tight as he can, crying hard into my chest and shaking. I hold him even tighter and run my hand through his hair and down his back a few times.

"You're okay, baby. I will always love you no matter what, sweetheart. There is nothing you could ever say or do to make me stop loving you. You're the only one I'll ever love. You're my everything and I love you more than I can even put into words." I whisper, kissing his forehead and holding him even closer, still rubbing his back.

"Promise?" Andy whispers, his voice barely there at all, and looks up at me with the saddest eyes I've ever seen. I kiss his forehead again.

"I promise, sweetheart. I love you so fucking much, baby." I say, pulling him even closer, if that's even possible.

"I love you too. P-please do ever leave." Andy whispers, snuggling into me and starting to calm down a little.

"I wouldn't even think about it, baby. You're my whole world. I love you so much, sweetheart." I say, stroking his hair and kissing his head again.

We lay like this for a while longer until Andy eventually falls asleep, still clinging to me. I keep playing with his hair and holding him tight until I eventually fall back asleep as well. I love Andy more than anything. I'll do everything I can to make sure he knows how loved he is. 

Andy Biersack imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now