83. Face Down pt 2

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A/N: was having a lot of flashbacks and couldn't sleep, so I wrote this to deal with it. Sorry if it's shit. I tried. This wasnt originally gonna be a part 2, but i accidentally made this one kinda like a continuation of  the other one, so I guess it's a part 2 now.


(yes i changed my name again. The other character will still be Raven/Rav tho so both characters don't have the same name)

Trigger warning: ptsd, flashbacks, physical violence, emotional abuse

Andy's POV:

~Flashback to a few months ago~

"You fucking worthless piece of shit" my boyfriend Ashley yells at me as he punches me over and over.

I'm curled up on his bed, pressed against the wall trying to hide under his pillow to protect myself.

"Ashley stop! You're hurting me! Get off me, please!" I cry, trying to push him off me.

"You don't fucking touch me! Ever! And stop fucking crying!" Ashley yells back as he slaps me across the face, causing me to unintentionally cry in pain and fear.

I don't even know what I did this time to make him upset. He just started yelling at me and hitting me.

"I said shut the fuck up! Do you fucking understand me bitch?" Ashely yells and picks me up off the bed by my shirt and slams me into the wall. He grabs his leather belt and starts walking towards me with it and-

~Flashback over~

"I'm sorry it won't happen again I promise!" I scream as I shoot up in bed, sweating, shaking, and hyperventilating.

I look around the room and realize that I'm in my apartment that I share with my childhood best friend Raven. I continue searching the room and see Rav sitting on the bed in front of me, looking at me worriedly. I look at her confused, and realize that I'm crying.

"You're okay, Andy. You had a nightmare. You're safe now, I promise." Raven whispers, holding her arms out to me.

Without a word I crawl into her arms and hug her as tight as I can, burying my face in her chest and crying into her shirt. She gently pulls me closer and holds me tight against her.

"Shh, it's okay. I won't let him hurt you ever again. You're safe now, I promise." She whispers softly. I feel her start playing with my hair, which always calms me down.

"It was so real, Rav. I thought- I thought I was still there. I felt him on me again." I cry harder, clinging to her as tight as I could. Raven rubs my back.

"I know. But you're not. And you never will be again. He's in jail now, he can't get to you. I'll protect you, I promise. He'll never be anywhere near you again. You always help me when I'm dealing with shit, and I'll do the same for you. You're safe, sweetheart. You're gonna be okay. I'll be right here no matter what." Raven whispers and kisses my head.

"You promise?" I whisper, the feeling of being in Rav's arms making me feel safe.

"On my life." She whispers, kissing my head again.

Raven lays down on my bed, still holding me tight in her arms. I rest my head on her chest and curl up into her, hugging her as tight as I can.

Raven holds me close and plays with my hair, whispering "I'll always protect you" before softly singing Goodbye Agony to me, her voice soothing me into a deep sleep, feeling a bit better knowing I have her on my side.

Andy Biersack imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now