16. Scared of Needles

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A/N: got the idea for this because I had to get two shots in my arm and I'm deathly terrified of needles. I think the nurse that had to give me the shots is now traumatized.

~ Chloe <{•.•}>

You're sitting at the doctors office for your yearly visit. You made your boyfriend, Andy, come with you because you're absolutely terrified of going to the doctor. He sat on the table next to you the whole time and held your hand. Everything went well until the doctor said that you had to get two shots. When you heard this, you immediately broke down crying and cuddled up to Andy as close as you could possibly get to him and he held you tightly in his arms while you cried.

"Shh it's okay. You'll be fine. It will only take a second. You'll be okay" he whispered as he rubbed your back trying to calm you down. He kept whispering sweet nothings to you while the nurse went to go get the supplies.

When she came back, you started hyperventilating and started having a full blown panic attack. Andy moved back slightly on the table and sat crisscrossed and pulled you onto his lap. You started to calm down and breathe better, but you were still crying a lot. He held you in a way that he could hold your arm still but also hug you at the same time. You held onto his arm tightly with your free hand. Andy also made you look into his eyes so that you wouldn't look at the needles being stuck in your arm.

When the nurse put the needle in, you screamed and sobbed into Andy's chest and held his arm as tightly as you could. The nurse did the second shot without telling you first, which only made you scream and cry harder. After the nurse left, you hugged Andy with both arms and continued sobbing into him. He held you tight, being careful of your arm and tried to calm you down.

When the nurse came back in, she noticed blood dripping down Andy's arm. Apparently when the nurse gave you the shots, you were in so much pain that you held onto Andy so tightly that your nails had cut his arm.

"Andy, you okay? What happened?" You asked as you were starting to get a little nervous. You look over at his arm and see blood dripping down.

"Andy! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you! I'm sorry!" You said as you tried not to cry.

The nurse sprayed a disinfectant on his arm and when she did that, you notice Andy's eyes filling with tears and a few tears fall down his face. You didn't blame him though. The disinfectant spray hurts like a bitch.

"Aww Andy! I'm so sorry!! I didn't mean to hurt you" you said as you dried his tears and wrapped your arms around him and started to cry again.

"It's okay. I know you didn't mean to. I know you were just scared. It's okay. Please don't cry! I love you!" He said as he held onto you and tried to calm you down again.

"Thanks for taking care of me and I'm sorry for hurting you." You said as you tried to hold back tears. Andy kept you in his arms until you both were okay again.

Once you calmed down, the two of you drove back to your apartment where you will cuddle with each other and watch movies all day and night.

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