24. Neko Andy (part 1)

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Andy's POV:

"Andy, come meet your new owner. You're getting adopted today!" Ronnie, the pet shop owner, says while opening the door of my cage.

The thought of getting adopted by another person is enough to send me into a panic attack. I curled up into a ball in the corner of my cage and started shaking and crying quietly. I've never been treated nicely by anyone other than Ronnie, so getting adopted is really scary. Especially because I don't want to go through that again.

"Aww he's so adorable! Why is he shaking? Is he afraid of me?" Another man asks.

"This is Andy. He was abused by his previous owners and he's probably just scared that you'll hurt him too. Oh and he's also mute." Ronnie says while picking me up and taking me out of my cage.

"Aw it's okay Andy. I won't hurt you. I'll make sure no one ever hurts you again." The man says while petting me gently behind my ears, making me purr.

"Oh my gosh! You're so cute! My name is Ashley. I'm gonna give you a new home, okay?" Ashley says. I look up and nod shyly.

Ashley is tall like me, has long brown hair, brown eyes, and his arms are covered in tattoos. He also looks sorta feminine. Ronnie puts me down and Pulls out a few collars. He asks Ashley to pick one, but Ashley lets me decided. Since I don't speak, I pointed to a black leather collar with silver studs on it. Ronnie put it on me and gave Ashley adoption papers to fill out. Once Ashley was done filling out the papers, Ronnie gave Ashley the OK to take me home. Before we left, Ronnie asked me if he could give me a hug. I nodded. Ronnie's the only person to ever treat me nicely. I think I can trust him to hug me and not hurt me.

"You're in good hands Andy. I've known Ashley for years and I know he's going to take great care of you and give you so much love. You're finally going to have the life you deserve." Ronnie says as he hugs me. I just nod as a response because even though I feel like I can trust Ronnie,
I don't know if I can trust him enough to hear my voice.

After Ronnie let me go, Ashley walked me to his car.

"Here Andy. You can sit back here. I've already put a blanket back there for you to cuddle with on the way home" Ashley says as he opens the back door for me.

I just smile weakly to him and climb into the back seat and curl up into a ball. I pick up the blanket he put there and cover myself completely with it. Ashley makes an "Aww" sound and closes the door. He gets into the drivers seat and drives to what I'm assuming is his house.

Andy Biersack imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now