48. Insomnia

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This was requested by someone who wants to stay anonymous

Prompt: Can you do one where Andy's been hurt pretty bad in past relationships, and one night when he can't sleep he goes to Chloe (his girlfriend) and either has a panic attack or is just crying really hard because he's scared that she'll hurt him as well and he thinks that she'll leave him for breaking down, but instead she's really sweet about it and she holds him and convinces him that she will never hurt him and it's really fluffy?? Thanks!!

—Chloe's POV—

It's around 11:30 at night and I was laying in my bed almost asleep when I heard a soft knocking on my door. I sit up and look towards the door and find my boyfriend Andy standing in the doorway. I know it's kinda weird that we have different rooms, but we were living together before we started dating and I guess we never got around to combining our rooms.

He had his Batman pajama pants on as well as a Batman hoodie. He looked kinda sad and sorta like he was either about to cry or had already been crying.

"Andy? Are you okay baby?" I ask softly. He shook his head and sniffed quietly.

"C-can I come l-lay with you? I-I can't
s-sleep." He whispered in a breaking voice.

"I think you already know the answer to that. Come here" I said as I moved over and lifted my blanket so he could come under it.

He climbed into the bed next to me and laid on his side facing me. I laid down next to him and faced him as I pulled the blanket over us.

"What's wrong babe? Why can't you sleep?" I asked as I lightly placed my hand on his arm.

"It's nothing... I.... um.. I just got lost in my mind again" he whispered as his eyes started filling up with tears.

He tried his hardest to keep them in, but before he could do anything they started slipping from his eyes. He tried to wipe them away but they just kept coming.

"Aw honey.. it's alright... is there anything I can do to help you?" I asked as I lightly started rubbing his arm.

"h-hold m-me p-please" he whispered quietly as he buried his head in my chest and hugged me tightly while crying softly.

I hugged him back and ran my fingers through his hair and down his back, which was shaking from his crying.

"Shh it's okay honey. You're alright" I whispered as I held him.

"I'm scared" he whispered after a few minutes of crying.

"Of what hun?" I asked while still holding him.

"I'm scared that one day I'll wake up and you won't be here anymore. Or that you'll find someone else and forget about me. Then I'll be alone. I won't have anyone around anymore who actually cares about me. What will I do then? I love you too much to lose you. I need you" He said between quiet sobs.

"Honey that's never going to happen. I could never forget you. And I'm not going anywhere Andy. I'll always be here for you no matter what. I love you so much Andy."

"Please d-don't leave m-me" He whispered as he started crying harder.

"Baby I'm never leaving you. Ever. I love you way too much to ever even think about leaving you." I said as I kissed his forehead.

"Yes you will! Everyone does! I'm not worth it!" He sobbed.

"Andy, listen to me honey- I know you've been hurt so many times before and you're terrified that I'm gonna be like the others and hurt you like they did, or worse, but I promise you I would never even think about hurting you. You've already been hurt enough- too much, and I couldn't even imagine putting you through that again. You're too beautiful and amazing to be in this much pain. You don't deserve to be so upset and hurt so much that you end up crying like this. You deserve all the love and happiness in the world and I'll do everything in my power to give it to you"

''D-do y-you really m-mean that?" He asked as he looked up at me with red, watery eyes and tear-stained cheeks.

"Of course I mean it, babe. I love you so much Andy, and it hurts me to see you hurting like this. I love you so so so much sweetheart. As long as I'm around, you don't have to worry about people hurting you. I'm never leaving your side baby." I said as I carefully wiped away his tears with my thumbs and kissed his forehead before hugging him again.

"I- I love you" he whispered softly as he started to calm down.

After a few minutes, he fell asleep in my arms. I kissed his cheek gently and whispered "I love you" before falling asleep as well.

Andy Biersack imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now