35. Nightmare From Hell (Andley)

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A/N: this was written my me and a bunch of people on Instagram as part of a role play. I can't remember who was part of it but if I find the link to the original, I'll add it here.

Edit: I added more to this and made the ending better

"Please don't leave me!" Andy sobbed, watching his lover look down at him with disgust.

Of course, he was only dreaming, and this was the worst nightmare he's ever had. All the hateful things that his lover had said to him made him cry so hard. He didn't think this would ever happen.

"I'll leave if I want. I never fucking loved you." Dream Ashley was just about to open the door and leave. Forever.

Andy was hysteric in tears. "Please! Don't leave me! I need you!" He sobbed and watched Ashley walk away to the door.

He opened the door and left. He wasn't gonna come back.

Andy stood up and ran to the door, a crying mess. "Ashley! P- Please!"

Ashley smiles to himself once he was out of the house. "I'm finally free" he thought.

Andy slumped against the door, knowing that he couldn't get him back. He fell to his knees and cried. He cried and cried his heart out until he physically couldn't cry anymore.

"Andy! Andy!" Real Ashley shook Andy's body in an attempt to wake him up. He saw that Andy had been crying and talking in his sleep.

Andy woke up with a start and grabbed onto Ashley quickly, crying hard into him. He needed to calm himself down before telling Ashley what had happened since he was sobbing too hard to say anything right now.

"Shh, calm down baby. I'm here. It's okay. I got you baby." He ran his hand through Andy's hair and rubbed his back.

Andy's cries soon subsided to soft hiccups and sniffles. "I- I thought... y- you.."

"You thought I What, baby?" Ashley held Andy tighter.

"y- you left m- me... y-you said you never- hic- loved me.." He broke down again and held onto Ashley tightly.

"Baby..." Ashley frowned. "I love you so much! I would never leave you!"

"I- I'm sorry.. it's just..." Andy sniffled "y- you're so perfect.. a- and I'm constantly scared that you'll find someone new.. someone better than me.."

"Baby, I'll never find someone new. I don't want to find someone new. I'm always gonna love you. Always and forever baby." Ashley wiped Andy's tears and leaned in and kissed him softly.

"I- I love you so much.." Andy closed his eyes and kissed back just as softly.

"I love you more, baby." Ashley laid them down so that Andy was laying on his chest. He held Andy tighter and rubbed his back to comfort him.

"Whenever I see you talking to someone else, I- Im always scared that y- you're flirting... I- I get so worried.."

"Baby... I would never flirt with someone else. I'm all yours." He pecked Andy's cheek.

Andy smiled a little. "I- I... I'm just being paranoid.." he hugged Ashley tight again.

"Shh, Andy, it's okay. I'm never going to leave you. I love you so so much." Ashley said and hugged Andy tighter. 

"I- I love you too." Andy whispered, calming down slightly.

"Go to sleep, my love. It's okay." Ashley said and kissed Andy's head again.

Andy yawned and cuddled even closer to Ashley, letting his warmth comfort him. Ashley carefully wiped Andy's tears and ran his fingers through Andy's hair again, soothing him into a deep sleep.

Andy Biersack imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now