75. Stressed Out

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A/N: I've been insanely stressed lately with trying to find a job and possibly being kicked out of my house bc my parents found out some things about me ((long story short, my parents found out that I've been using weed and cbd to help with my anxiety and they're absolutely pissed about that)) so I decided to write this to see if it helped and it did.

I also might be moving in with my friend (who my parents can't stand) if I get kicked out and he'll help me look for a job. He's already been helping me and so has my girlfriend, but nowhere has accepted me yet. So I'm sorry if updates get slow again.

Text messages:

A: Hey Chloe can you come over?

C: Sure, whats up?

A: I need help applying for jobs. This is so stressful ughhh

C: Okay! Give me five minutes and I'll be right there.

When I get to Andy's house, I walk in and go upstairs to his room. When I walk in, I find Andy sitting on the couch in his room having a panic attack. He only gets them if something triggers them. Usually stress is what triggers the attacks, so something must've happened before I came over.

"Hey, whats wrong Andy?" I ask as I sit down next to him and carefully wrap my arm around his waist.

"I can't take this anymore! My mom said I have to move out by next month out of nowhere, I don't have a job, I have nowhere to go, I'm so scared and I don't know what to do! I tried applying for jobs online, but it's so stressful and I can't figure it out! I can't do this!" Andy says before sobbing and covering his face with his hands.

"It's gonna be okay, Andy. If you need a place to stay, you can stay with me for as long as you need. I can help you find a job, and we'll work through this together. It'll be okay." I say as I rub his back.

"No it won't!" Andy yells as he pulls away from me and jumps off the couch, scaring me slightly.

"It's not gonna be okay! I can't move in with you because you'll get sick of me and kick me out, I can't get a job because I can't fucking talk to people thanks to my fucking anxiety, and you'll leave me too!" Andy yells before crying harder.

Seeing Andy yell is terrifying, but I know he's scared and he's hurting, so I just ignore it.

"Andy, breathe. I promise you it will be okay. I'm never going to get sick of you. You're stuck with me for life, Andy. Now, come here and let me hold you for a while. You're really stressed and you're getting yourself worked up, and I can see that you need a hug. Come here." I say softly as I open my arms for him.

Andy walks back towards me and sits sideways on my lap, his arms around my shoulders and his face in my neck. I can feel him crying into me, and it makes my heart hurt to see him so stressed, but I also know that this is good for him. He needs to let his emotions out like this.

"I don't know what to do." He whispers, sobbing harder.

"Shh, Andy, it's okay. I've got you. Try not to think about all that for a while. Right now, just let me hold you and love you. You need it right now." I whisper as I hold him tight and rub his back.

"Please don't leave me." Andy sobs, holding onto me tighter.

"I'm not going anywhere, Ands. I'll always be here for you." I say as I gently play with his hair while still rubbing his back.

We sit like this for what feels like hours until he eventually calms down a bit and stops sobbing so hard. When he calms down, he moves off my lap, but stays sitting next to me and continues hugging me tightly.

"Do you want to just watch movies for the rest of the day and we can sort this out tomorrow?" I ask, seeing that Andy's been through enough stress and anxiety for one day. I hate seeing him like this. It breaks my heart.

"Can we watch Batman?" Andy asks innocently and looks up at me with puppy eyes. His puppy eyes melt my heart every time he uses them.

"Of course we can. That's why I asked if you wanted to watch a movie." I say as I kiss his forehead.

I grab the remote from the dresser next to the couch and put Batman on. Andy ends up falling asleep in my arms about half way through the movie, which is adorable.

—time skip—

It's been a few weeks now, and Andy is now living with me. The day after he broke down, I helped him apply for a few jobs and he got accepted as an assistant in a recording studio. He wants to start a band, so this job is actually perfect for him. He already seems so much happier than he did a few weeks ago. I'm glad he's finally happier. He doesn't deserve to be so sad and stressed like that.

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