61. Not Broken Yet (Andley)

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Posting twice because why not.

Requested: Hai can you do one where Andy and Ashley are dating but Ashley doesn't want anyone to know, which actually hurts Andy a lot. And can Andy like go to Juliet since she's his best friend and he breaks down and she comforts him and maybe helps him and Ashley work things out? Sorry if that's a lot. I'm kinda in this situation so it'd be nice to see something that represents what I'm going through.

Title credit- "Not Broken Yet" by Juliet Simms

Andy's POV

"I don't know what to do anymore, Jules... It hurts so much"

"Andy.. come here, love" Juliet said as she pulled me into her arms, holding me tightly as I cried.

I had been crying about Ashley and I's relationship for the past hour and a half and Juliet was trying to calm me down.

Ashley and I have been dating for almost 3 months, but he doesn't want anyone to know. Not even the band. The rest of the guys all know I'm gay and they're so supportive of me and I know they would do the same for Ash, so I don't know why he wants to hide us from them.

When I tried to bring it up with him, he just ignored me and then he asked why I was so upset about it, so I told him that it makes me feel like he's embarrassed to be with me and like he doesn't actually love me, and it makes me paranoid that he's cheating on me and wants to hide our relationship so that the other person doesn't find out. He got really pissed off at me for feeling that way, so now I'm sitting in my apartment with Juliet sobbing my fucking eyes out in her arms.

"Shh it's okay Andy.. He's probably just nervous. He'll come around.." she whispered as she stroked my hair and rubbed my back as I cried.

"N-no, h-he d-doesn't l-love m-me" I sobbed harder.

"Sweetie, I know this is hard for you, but I promise he loves you." She said as she held me tighter.

By now I was having a hard time breathing I was sobbing so hard.

"Andy, honey, you really need to calm down a little. You're gonna work yourself into a panic attack if you don't. Everything's gonna be fine, love." She whispered.

I tried to respond but ended up crying even harder; I was sobbing violently while hyperventilating and hiccuping every time I tried to breathe.

"Andy please try to calm down a little. I don't want you to have a panic attack. I know it hurts like hell right now but I promise everything will work out" she said as he hugged me tighter.

I cried like this for almost an hour before I started to calm down. After I had calmed down a little, I was still crying but not as bad.

A few minutes later, someone knocked on the door. Juliet went to answer the door since I was still in tears and didn't feel like talking to anyone.

"Andy, Ashley's here" I heard Juliet yell after a minute.

A few seconds later, Juliet and Ashley both walked into the living room. I turned away from Ashley so he wouldn't see I was crying. He must have noticed because he sat down next to me and tried to hug me, but I wouldn't let him.

"Andy, what's wrong?" Ashley asked, concerned.

I wanted to tell him, but I didn't trust my voice enough for me to talk, so Juliet answered for me.

"Ashley..." Juliet sighed "I know you and Andy are dating"

"You told her?! After I said I didn't want anyone to know?" Ashley yelled as he stood up.

"I'm sorry! I didn't want to hide us from her! She's my best friend!" I said as I stood up facing him.

I could tell he was pissed. His eyes weren't kind and loving like they usually are, instead they held nothing but anger.

Terrified, i backed away from him to avoid him hurting me, but he just moved closer to me.

"I said I wasn't ready to be out yet! Does how I feel mean anything to you? Obviously not! I told you I didn't want anyone to know about us!!" He yelled in my face, even louder this time.

"Ashley, calm down. You're scaring the shit out of him" Juliet said calmly to try to calm Ashley down.

She was right. I was terrified. I was so scared I couldn't stop shaking and my body was frozen in fear.

Ashley raised his hand to push hair out of his face but before he could do that, my first instinct was thinking he was gonna hit me. I jumped back and ended up hitting the wall behind me. I slid down the wall, hiding my face in my knees, sobbing violently, while covering my head with my arms.

"Andy.... did you really think I was gonna hit you?" Ashley said much calmer now, realizing that he had scared me.

I was crying too much to answer, so I just kept crying.

Ashley slowly walked over to me and sat down on the floor next to me. He gently pulled me into his arms so that my face was in his chest and held me tight while whispering "I'm so sorry" and "I would never hit you" over and over. By this point I knew he wasn't going to hurt me, so I hugged him back and sobbed into his chest.

Juliet came and sat by us and started rubbing my back to calm me down.

"What is even happening?" I heard Ashley whisper after a while, mostly to himself.

"Andy, since you're still upset right now is it okay if I tell him why you were so upset in the first place?" Juliet whispered to me.

"You can tell him" I whispered back.

"Ashley, have you ever asked Andy how he feels about hiding your relationship?" Juliet asked quietly.

"No, I guess I haven't" Ashley whispered.

"He told me he feels like you don't love him or that you're embarrassed to be with him. That's why he was so upset when you came. He was telling me that it hurts him to keep your relationship a secret and he didn't know how much longer he could do it." Juliet said, still staying calm.

"Andy..." Ashley whispered "I do love you. And I'm definitely not embarrassed to be with you. I just wasn't ready to be out yet. I'm sorry I hurt you. I should have asked you how you felt. I'm so sorry.." he whispered to me and kissed my head.

"It's okay Ashes" I whispered back. I was still crying, but had calmed down a lot.

"If you want, we can tell the guys. I'm still not ready for the fans to know yet, but I know the guys will support us" he said and held me tighter.

"I don't want to force you to come out though" I said back.

"You're not forcing me, Andy. I really do want to tell them"

"Okay. Do you want to tell them at practice tomorrow?" I asked.

"Let's do it" He said and kissed me again, this time on the lips.

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