52. Depression (Andley) (version 2)

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**in sing-songy voice**

I'm Running Out Of Ideaaaaassssss (can you tell?)


—Ashley's POV—

Finally I'm home from work. I open the door to my boyfriend Andy and I's house and call out to him so he knows I'm home.

He doesn't answer, which worries me a little, but that probably just means he decided to take a nap (as usual) and didn't hear me.

I quietly put my backpack down and tiptoe up the stairs. I go over to our bedroom and notice the door is closed. Weird. He doesn't usually close it if he's home alone.

I quietly and slowly open the door and find Andy laying in bed staring at the wall. I walk a little closer to him and notice that his face is streaked with tears. That worries me more.

I walk over to the side of the bed and crouch down in front of him so he can see me.

"Hey, why're you crying babe?" I whisper as I lightly place my hand on his arm.

"I just feel so empty inside. Like nothing I do fills the emptiness in me." His voice sounded so weak and broken. "I feel like no one cares about me and like no one would miss me if I disappeared. I'm so depressed I can barely get out of bed anymore. I feel so alone and abandoned inside and I don't know what to do."

"Oh Babe..." I whispered "scoot over" He did what I said and moved over.

I climbed in bed with him and pulled him into my arms. He wrapped his arms around my waist tightly and buried his head in my shoulder, crying quietly. I lightly rubbed his back with one hand and ran my fingers through his hair with my other.

"Baby, I know it's hard right now, but I promise you that there are people who care about you. I care so much about you. The rest of the guys do too. If we didn't have you around, we'd all be lost in life. We need you, Andy. More than you think we do. You're not alone in this. You never will be. I know it's hard for you to believe that right now, but I promise I'll always be right by your side. I love you so much Andy." I said as I held him tighter.

"I love you too" he managed to say through his sobs.

I stayed here holding him until he eventually calmed down a little and the two of us stayed in bed watching movies (mostly Batman) and cuddling until he felt better.

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