81. Face down

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This was requested by queen_of_pain_26 hope this is what you wanted :)


Side note- some of this was pulled from my own experiences with abuse. Though I thankfully was never raped, the rest of it hit me hard to write, so I apologize for any errors. Writing this has also helped to get some of what I've been feeling out, so this one means a lot to me.

Title credit: Face Down- Red Jumpsuit Apparatus

Andy's POV:

"Andy go ahead and pour in the water, I'm gonna wash my hands real quick" Ashley calls to me as he leaves the kitchen.

For some reason he wanted to make cupcakes, which is weird, even for him. Neither of us are or ever have been into cooking or baking, so the sudden want to make cupcakes while we're on tour on a bus has me very confused. But I love him, and I'll do whatever I can to make him happy.

I pour one cup of water in the mix, and decide to add the oil as well while I'm at it. I put the oil in and as I do, Ashley runs in screaming.


Shit. I put 1 cup instead of 1/2 a cup...

"I'm sorry! I thought it said 1 cup! Just take out half, it's not like oil and water mix" I say, trying to fix the situation and avoid him getting angry at me. That was useless.

"God Andy you're so stupid!" Ashley screams as he shoves me into the counter, causing me to fall to the ground.

I try to get up, but Ashley just kicks me back down.

"I gave you one simple direction, and you fucked it up. You never fucking listen to me you piece of shit!" He yells and grabs me by my shirt, picking me up and throwing me into the refrigerator. My head slams against the door, leaving a dent, but I'll worry about that later. I have bigger issues.

"Ashley stop! You're hurting me!" I say as I back away from him, terrified.

"I'm not fucking hurting you! Stop being such a little drama queen! Not everything is always gonna be about poor little Andy! Just go to your fucking bunk! I can't stand to even look at you right now.' Ashley yells and walks away.

I gladly leave the room and run into the bunk room, closing the door and locking it behind me. I crawl into my bunk and start to cry, trying to stay quiet so Ashley won't hear me. I'll never understand why Ashley feels the need to hurt me. I know he loves me, I just wish he would learn to control his anger better. Most of the time, our relationship is great, and he treats me with love and respect. But one wrong move or word, and he does this. Then afterwords, he apologizes and tries to have sex with me. I'm never in the mood after situations like this and I'd rather not have him touch me in that way, but I usually give in and give him what he wants. It's better to just give it to him than say no, because if I say no, he'll just do it without my consent. I learned that the hard way.

After a while, I hear my phone ring. I feel my heart drop in fear of it being Ashley, but to my relief, It's Raven. She's been my best friend since we were like 2 or 3. I don't want her to know I'm upset, but at the same time hearing her voice would help so much right now, so I answer.

"H-hey" I say as I answer the phone.

"Shit, Andy what's wrong? Is it Ashley again?" She says, concern filling her voice.

"We had a fight. I was being an idiot and he got mad. The usual." I say as I try my hardest not to cry any more than I already am.

"Andy, listen, I know this isn't what you want to hear, but please just hear me out. I don't like how Ashley is always making you cry like this. Are you sure you really wanna be with someone like that? Even if you make a mistake, he shouldn't be making you cry over it." Raven says.

Andy Biersack imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now