18. You got it in you

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A/N: Based on the song "Got It In You" by Banners. It's actually a really beautiful song and Chloe and I both listen to it when we're sad and it actually helps a lot.

~Andy =^.^= {{changing my character to a car cause why not}}

<<~and Chloe haii <{•.•}> [yes I'm always gonna put Ned here] >>


I was laying on mine and Andy's bed watching the movie Coraline while waiting for Andy to come home from the studio.

He's been at the studio for at least 10 or 11 hours every day this week and he hasn't slept much, if at all. He wants everything about this album to be perfect. I could tell that the stress is really starting to get to him. He's been very snappy towards me and shuts himself away from everyone. He's even been sleeping in the guest room. As much as I missed having him in here with me, I'm not mad at him. I understand that he's stressed and that this is how he deals with it. He'd rather be alone when he's stressed, so I just let him be. I know if he needs anything he'll come get me. And if I need him I'll go get him. We promised to always go to each other no matter what if we had a problem with something.

The movie was almost over when I heard the bedroom door creek open slowly. I looked up and saw Andy shyly peeking into the room wearing the Batman pajamas he usually wears when he wants to cuddle and he looked really tired and worn out.

"Baby? can I come lay with you?" He whispered quietly. His voice was shaking, almost as if he'd been crying.

"Of course. Are you okay babe?" I asked concerned as I paused the movie and sat up a little. He shook his head slightly and sniffled as he looked down at the ground.

"Come here love" I said as I lifted the blanket off of me, signaling for him to crawl under it with me.

In less than 10 seconds, he was laying on top of me with the blanket over the two of us. He laid his head on my chest and wrapped his arms around my waist as he started to cry softly. I rested my head on his and wrapped my arms around his back.

His tears were falling onto my chest and he sniffled quietly between shaky breaths and his shoulders shook as he cried. Though his sobs were silent, they were filled with so much pain and he was letting out so many built up emotions that he held inside of him for god only knows how long.

"I love you sweetheart" I whispered as I gently kissed his forehead and rubbed calming patterns into his back. He tightened his arms around me.

"Chloe?" He whispered so quietly I could barely understand him.

"Yes love?" I answered softly as I kissed the top of his head.

"Can you sing to me?" He asked. His voice sounded so broken and sad and weak.

It broke my heart to see him like this. I hugged him tighter and did as he asked. I personally never liked my voice, but Andy always said it was calming to him. I continued rubbing his back and running my fingers through his hair as I sang to him softly.

"Holding back the flood in this skyscraper town. You gave all the sweat and blood now you think you're gonna drown. You can't tell that you're bigger than the sea that you're sinking in. And you don't know what you got but you got it at your fingertips. You got it in you. You got it in you."

As I started singing, Andy closed his eyes and started to calm down a bit.

"When the lights go out and leave you standing in the dark, no one ever told you this would be so hard. I know you think your fire is burning out but I still see you shining through. You got it in you."

His tears had stopped falling and started to dry on his cheeks, leaving light traces.

"Not everything you hear should sound like the truth. Cause no body else's words can define you. Maybe you don't see it but you're quicker than the world can spin. You should know what you got cause you got it at your fingertips. You got it in you. You got it in you."

By now, Andy was fully asleep in my arms. He looked so calm and peaceful, which made me smile.

"I love you Andy. Sleep well, my love. You deserve it." I whispered as I gently kissed his forehead again and slowly drifted off to sleep holding Andy in my arms.

Andy Biersack imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now