26. Neko Andy (part 3 final)

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"Andy! Chloe! Dinner's ready!" I heard Ashley yell from downstairs.

Chloe and I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Hey kittens" Ashley says.

"Hi Ash! What's for dinner??" Chloe asks as she grabs my hand and drags me to the table to sit down.

"I made pasta. That sound good?" Ashley says.

"YAASSS" Chloe yells. Damn this girl gets excited a lot. I'm gonna go deaf here I swear to god.

Ashley gave Chloe and I each a plate of pasta as well as a glass of milk. We all sat at the table and ate our food while Chloe and Ashley talked. I wish I could talk to them, but I don't know if I can trust them fully yet. I'm starting to trust Chloe more and I might talk to her soon, but I don't know about Ashley yet. Only because I haven't spent much time with him yet. I've mostly been in my room with Chloe. She seems really sweet so far and we actually have a lot in common besides the fact that we're both nekos.

After dinner, I picked up my plate and glass from the table and went to go put them in the sink. While I was walking to the sink, I accidentally dropped my plate and the glass and they both shattered on the floor. I meowed nervously and looked up at Chloe and Ashley.

"Be careful Andy! I don't want you to get hurt on the glass!" Chloe said while walking over to me.

Ashley pushes Chloe back and told her not to go by the glass in a strict tone. I got scared and thought he would be mad and hit me for breaking two things, so I jumped over the shattered glass and ran up the stairs to my room. I shut my door and flopped down and curled up on my bed. I pulled a blanket over me and hid my face in my pillow and started screaming and sobbing hysterically. I felt like I couldn't breathe and my heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest. Fuck. Another goddamn panic attack. A bad one too. Part of me wants Chloe to come hold me, but the other part of me doesn't want her to see me like this- weak and broken. My thoughts are interrupted by my door opening.

"Andy? Are you okay sweetie?" A soft voice asked me.

It was Chloe, but her voice sounded soft. Not as loud and overly excited as it usually is. I didn't answer her; one because I don't have my notebook with me and two because I still don't know if I can trust her with my voice and even if I could talk, I'm crying way too hard to be able to speak. I felt the bed sink down next to me and someone start rubbing my back soothingly. I knew it was Chloe because of how gentle she is with me.

"Andy, honey, no one here is going to hurt you. Ever. I know you're scared that Ash is gonna hurt you, but I promise he won't. I've done so many dumb things here and he hasn't hurt me once, even though I kinda deserved it a few times. He is too kind and loving to ever hurt you. I promise you you're safe here. You have nothing to be afraid of. Ash and I will always protect you. Never hurt you." She said softly while still rubbing my back.

I came out from under my blanket and threw my arms around her, burying my face in her shoulder and crying into her. She hugged me back tightly and whispered things to try to calm me down. She ran her fingers through my hair and petted me between my ears with one hand and continued rubbing my back with her other. After a while I started to calm down. A few minutes after I had calmed down, Ashley came in my room. Chloe and I pulled away from each other and she wiped the tears off my face with her sleeve.

"Andy? You okay?" He asked softly as he kneeled down in front of Chloe and I. I shook my head and sniffled.

Chloe put her arm around and started rubbing my back again and whispered "it's okay" quietly to me. She also handed me my notebook and pen. I gave her a confused look since I forgot where I left it and she said that I left it downstairs and she grabbed it before she came in. I opened the notebook and wrote "I'm sorry" in it before showing it to Ashley.

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