91. This Is Where It Ends (part 1)

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Don't worry, it's not the end of this book, it's just the title. This one will have multiple parts bc it's so long. This is very loosely based on how Lonny joined BVB but not really? I know this isn't how it happened, it's just a story, lol.



Andy's POV:

"Just change the lyrics, Andy. It's not that big of a deal! Jesus christ!" Ashley yells at me. We're in the studio recording some new songs and Ash and I have been arguing about lyrics for the last hour or so.

"I just don't see what your problem is with them. I sent them to the group chat and we all agreed they were fine, so what's the issue now?" I ask, not understanding why he suddenly changed his mind.

"The issue is you're acting like a 5 year old, as usual! God you're impossible to work with! You're lucky you're pretty, that's the only reason we have any fans at all. For fucks sake you can't even write decent lyrics anymore, let alone sing them without sounding like a fucking dying frog. God I'm surprised any of us have lasted this long with you. If it wasn't for you being a pretty-boy, then we literally wouldn't have this band. God I'm so fucking sick of you!" Ashley screams, causing me to back away.

Before I can say anything, I feel my eyes filling with tears. I try as hard as I can to not let them fall, but I can't and they fall anyway.

"Oh great, now you're crying. Jesus christ fuckin grow up!" Ashley screams again.

"What the hell is going on in here?" Jinxx says as he, Jake, and CC come into the room. They went out to get lunch and while they were gone, Ashley started yelling at me.

"Shit, Andy what's wrong?" CC says as he sees me starting to cry and puts his hands on my shoulders.

"Just Andy being a fuckin baby again. All I did was tell him to change a few of the lyrics and he started throwing another one of his tantrums." Ashley says, sounding hella pissed.

"Is that really what happened?" CC asks me, looking at me with concern. I shake my head and let out a few quiet sobs, trying even harder not to break down further.

"Okay, come here, we'll talk somewhere else." He says as he takes my hand and leads me out of the room. We find an empty conference room across the hall, so that's where we go.

The second we're out of the room, I can't hold my tears in anymore and I break down, crying hard into my hands and leaning against the wall for support since I'm crying too much to be able to hold myself up anymore.

"Come here, Andy. I got you." CC says, wrapping his arms around me tightly and bringing us both to the floor so I'm sitting on his lap.

I hug CC back and bury my face in his shoulder, crying even harder into him. CC hugs me tighter and rubs my back, trying to calm me down.

"Was Ash being an asshole again? Did he say something to upset you?" CC asks. I nod.

"What'd he say?" He asks. Before I can answer, Jinxx walks in.

"There you guys are. Jake and Ashley are screaming at each other. I don't think I've ever seen Jake so pissed off before. Ash told us what he said to you, Andy. None of what he said is true, okay? We love you, and if he has a problem with you, then he can leave. Jake is fuckin pissed as hell. He told me to get out, and I quote, 'so my innocent ears don't hear the things that are about to come out of his mouth'. He really loves you, Ands. We all do. We'll do anything for you." Jinxx says, sitting down next to us and holding my hand.

"What'd Ashley say?" CC asks again, sounding more concerned.

"Andy do you wanna tell him or me?" Jinxx asks.

"Y-you." I say, barely able to speak through my cries. CC holds me tighter.

"Pretty much Ashley called Andy a 5 year old and told him his voice sucks and he isn't a good songwriter and the only reason we have any fans is because Andy's pretty. Which is all complete bullshit. Except for you being pretty, Andy. You're fuckin gorgeous, but your voice is just as beautiful and so are your lyrics. God I love hearing you sing." Jinxx says, holding my hand tighter as I cry even harder.

"What the fuck? He had no right to say any of that, Andy. I don't know who the hell he thinks he is, but he's not gonna get away with saying all that shit to you. You're absolutely amazing, and we love you. Don't listen to him, okay? He doesn't deserve to even know you if that's what he thinks." CC says, stroking my hair.

After a while, I eventually start to calm down and pull away from CC, wiping my eyes and moving off his lap so I'm sitting between him and Jinxx.

"Thanks, guys. Sorry for crying like that. Didn't mean to." I say, looking down at my hands in my lap.

"Don't apologize, Andy. It's not your fault. I would've cried too if someone said that shit to me. It's okay, Andy, really." CC says, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

"Same here. You don't deserve to be treated like that. We love you." Jinxx says.

Before anyone can say anything else, Jake walks in, looking pissed as hell.

"So Ash is out of the band. There's no way in hell he's gonna sit here and talk to you like that, Andy. Management walked in while we were arguing so I told them everything Ash said and they agreed to kick him out. Unfortunately for us, that means we don't have a bassist, so we can't record anything. And apparently since he technically owned 50% of the band, he doesn't want us to use the name  Black Veil Brides or for us to work together at all anymore and he's gonna sue us or something. Managment told me they won't let that happen, but for now we can't do anything until they sort this out."Jake says, sitting on the floor with us.

"But- but what about us...? Does this mean we aren't a band anymore...?" I ask, feeling my heart rate increase by the second.

"For now, I guess so. Unless we can find someone else and managment figures out the rest, but that could take ages." Jake sighs.

"What? No! No I can't lose you guys! I can't!" I say before bursting into tears again, sobbing hard. CC pulls me back into his arms and rubs my back.

"You're not gonna lose us, Andy. It's only temporary. We'll figure something out, okay? None of us are giving up that easily. And he's not gonna be able to take the name, you  came up with the name before he was ever in the band." Jinxx says, wrapping his arms around me and CC.

"Yea, Ands, don't worry. Everything is gonna be okay. We promise." Jake says, joining the hug.

We all stay on the floor like this for god only knows how long until eventually we get told to leave by the building managers. We all leave the building hugging eachother one more time, promising that this isn't the end, before getting in our cars and driving home.

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