69. Anxiety

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Can you do one where Andy has pretty bad anxiety and one day it's worse than usual and he keeps having panic attacks, so Chloe has to call in sick at work so she can stay with Andy all day and try to help him calm down and help him out of the attacks?

((The picture is of what I mean when I say the bench by the window. I don't know the actual name of it, sorry))

~Chloe's POV~

I wake up to my alarm going off at 8:30am, letting me know that I need to get up and get ready for work.

I look next to me expecting to see my boyfriend Andy, but the bed is empty. As I get up, I see Andy sitting on the bench by the window with his legs pulled up to his chest and his head buried in his knees.

"Andy?" I whisper to get his attention without scaring him, but he doesn't respond.

I walk a little closer to him and see that he's shaking and hyperventilating while squeezing his eyes shut.

After a few seconds I realize that he's having a panic attack, so I calmly go over to him and sit on the bench next to him. I gently and carefully take his hands and hold them in my own, knowing that physical contact usually helps him to ground himself and become more aware of his surroundings. It gives him something to focus on other than the attack and/or whatever triggered it.

After I hold his hands, he almost immediately opens his eyes and looks up at me.

"Honey, you need to slow your breathing down. Follow me, okay?" I say as I start taking deep breaths and signaling for Andy to follow me.

It takes a little while, but eventually he's able to get his breathing under control and isn't hyperventilating anymore. He's still shaking pretty badly, but at least he can breathe somewhat more normally.

"C-can I h-have a hug?" He asks shyly as he looks away from me.

"Of course. Come here love" I say as I open my arms to him.

He uncurls himself and scoots closer to me, wrapping his arms around me tightly and laying his head on my shoulder. I hug him just as tight and rub his back to help him calm down more.

"Did something trigger you?" I ask carefully after a few minutes of silence, not wanting to trigger another attack. He shakes his head.

"I-It came out of n-nowhere. I-I woke up a-and all of a sudden I-I couldn't b-breathe and I f-felt like I-I was dying" he whispers as he hugs me tighter.

"Do you feel better now?" I ask softly as I gently run my fingers through his hair, untangling some of the knots. He shakes his head.

"M-my anxiety's r-really bad right n-now" he says.

It's now been about 15 minutes, and he's still shaking quite badly, which worries me since normally he wouldn't be shaking this much for this long after an attack.

"You're still shaking a lot, babe. Did you take your meds?" I ask. He shakes his head.

"D-didn't have time. I-It got r-really bad, really f-fast" he says.

"Okay, how about I bring them up here to you? I don't really want you walking around right now since you're so shaky. You might fall and hurt yourself" I say.

"Please be quick" he whispers as he pulls out of the hug to let me go downstairs and get his meds.

As I stand up, I catch a glimpse at the clock and realize that it's now 9:15, and my shift starts at 10. I'm supposed to leave by 9:20 in order to be on time.

Andy Biersack imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now