58. Nervous Breakdown (Andley)

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A/N: I tried writing like this again. Let me know how I did.

Also this was a prompt from tumblr cause I'm running out of ideas.

Title credit: "Nervous Breakdown" by Palaye Royale


"Ash.. I need you.." Andy said the second he heard Ashley pick up the phone.

He had been fine all day, but out of nowhere, he just fell to the ground crying and sobbing; breaking down over everything and anything that he could possibly be upset about.

Andy always hated when this happens. Every once in a while, he'd have a random breakdown out of nowhere and he can't do anything but cry and panic. He knew he needed someone to help him, so he called Ashley, his best friend, knowing that he would know what to do to calm him down.

"What's wrong, Andy?" Ashley asked as he rushed to leave his house to go to Andy's.

There had only been a few times Andy's called him crying like this. Ashley always worried for Andy, so getting a call from him while he's upset made him worry even more for him.

"I- I don't know... Nothing and everything?! I don't know.." Andy cried, wishing Ashley was with him and helping him through his breakdown.

"Andy, is this another breakdown?" Ashley asked as he got into his car and started the engine so he could get to Andy.

"I-I think so.. please hurry Ash" Andy whispered, crying harder.

"I'm leaving my house right now Andy. Do you want me to stay on the phone with you until I get there or will you be okay for a few minutes while I drive?"

"I-I'll be okay.. just please hurry" Andy said.

"I'll be there as soon as I can Ands. If it gets to be too much for you to handle on your own, call me again and I'll stay on the phone with you, okay?" Ash replied as he pulled out of the driveway began driving towards Andy's house.


There wasn't much Andy could do to calm down. He needed Ashley come help him.

Andy was sitting on the floor in the hallway with his arms wrapped around himself in an attempt to quiet his sobs. He was crying so much that he couldn't breathe, which was causing him to get anxious, which then made him cry even more. His body shook from the force of his sobs, causing pain to spread throughout his body.

After what felt like hours, but was really only about 10 minutes, Andy heard the front door open and Ashley call out to him asking where he was.

It didn't take long for Ashley to find Andy in the hallway. The second he saw him, he rushed over to him and instantly wrapped his arms around him, pulling Andy to his chest and holding him as tight as he could.

"Shh it's okay Ands. I'm here now. I got you. You're okay now" Ashley whispered as he pulled Andy onto his lap so he could hold him tighter.

The second Andy felt Ashley's arms around him, he started to calm down. He was still crying hard, but not as bad as before. Andy hugged onto Ashley just as tightly and buried his face in his chest, sobbing violently into him. Ashley's shirt started to get a little damp from his tears, but he didn't mind. He just wanted to help Andy and to comfort him in any way he could.

Since he's helped Andy through this kind of a breakdown before, Ashley knew that there was nothing he could say that would make Andy calm down any faster. He had also learned that it was better to just let Andy cry it out for a while, so he just held him, rocking him slowly and rubbing his back until he stopped crying so hard and wasn't sobbing anymore.

"Do you wanna go lay down and cuddle for a while? Would that make you feel better?" Ashley asked softly, as not to upset Andy again by being too loud and startling him.

He felt Andy nod against his chest and move his arms around his neck and bury his face in his shoulder, signaling that he wanted to be carried.

"You're so adorable" Ashley said as he picked Andy up and carried him to his bedroom so that the two of them could cuddle on the bed until Andy felt better.

Ashley laid Andy down in bed and crawled in next to him. Once he was laying down he felt Andy cuddle up to him, so he pulled the blankets over them and wrapped his arms around him, holding him just as tight as before. He could tell Andy was still upset by the way his body was still shaking slightly and the way he tried to hide himself in the blankets and in Ashley's arms.

The two of the laid there in each other's arms, just silently holding each other until Andy had completely calmed down and was no longer crying or shaking.

"Do you know what made you so upset, Andy?" Ashley asked as softly and as carefully as he could so he wouldn't make Andy cry again. Ashley knows how sensitive Andy is after a panic attack or breakdown and that the smallest thing could make him cry all over again.

Andy didn't respond with words. He just pointed to his head.

"Your mind?" Ashley asked just as softly. Andy nodded.

"What was your mind telling you?"

Andy shrugged.

"Don't feel like talking, huh?" Ashley asked, still keeping his voice as soft as he could.

Andy shook his head and buried his face in Ashley's chest, hugging him tight as his was of saying "sorry" without words.

"That's okay, Andy. You don't have to say anything. It's okay. I know today was rough for you." Ashley said as he hugged Andy tighter and kissed his forehead.

"Do you want to take a nap? Maybe you'll feel better if you sleep a little." Andy nodded and Ashley sang "Saviour" quietly to help Andy sleep, as well as playing with his hair.

Once Andy was asleep, Ashley fell asleep too and the two of them stayed there in each others arms for the rest of the day and night.

Andy Biersack imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now