78. Help Me Through The Night

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Hi everyone! Sorry i havent updated in forever, ive been dealing with a lot of shit recently and havent had much time to do anything. I have a job now and work 5 days a week, and when im not at work, im at my girlfriend's house bc my house is too toxic. Anyways,, i'll try to update more and be more on top of writing.

Idk what this was,, i started this a while ago and I know this was a request but i dont remember from who or what the original request was so sorry about that.


Title credit: Help Me Through The Night by Written By Wolves and Kellin Quinn

Its currently 1am and I'm laying in bed in my apartment watching netflix since my insomnia is deciding to keep me awake once again. As im watching my show, I hear what sounds like someone crying coming from my neighbor's apartment. His name is Andy and he's 23 like me. He lives alone, so I automatically assume that he's who's crying. We've become best friends since I moved here a few months ago,  so I automatically start to worry, as I hate to see anyone I care about upset. He always seems so happy, so hearing him cry like this is concerning. 

After about 20 minutes, he's still crying so I decide to go over to his apartment and check on him. He's helped me before when I was going through shit, so I wanna be there for him too.

I quickly get dressed in black ripped leggings and a black t shirt and black vans and walk over to his apartment. I knock on his door softly so I can hopefully avoid startling him, but still loud enough for him to hear.

After a few minutes, he opens the door. He doesn't look at me, but I can see that his eyes are red and that it's taking everything in him to hold himself together and not completely fall apart. He's also shaking and clearly trying to hide inside his batman hoodie he's wearing.

"Are you okay, Andy?" I ask, fully aware that he isn't okay at all, but I don't really know what else to say.

Andy just shakes his head and bites his lip, clearly closer to breaking down.

He sniffles, shaking harder as a few tears fall down his face.

"Sweetheart come here." I whisper as I gently pull him into a hug, the pet name slipping accidentally. I've had a huge crush on Andy since we met, so seeing him so upset breaks my heart and makes me wanna protect him any way I can.

He hugs me back tightly, hiding his face in my shoulder and trying really hard not to cry. I can feel him shaking from suppressed sobs, making  my heart break even more for him.

"You're alowed to cry, Andy. It's okay, I've got you. You're safe here." I whisper, hugging him tighter and rubbing his back.

After I say this, he bursts into tears and sobs heavily into my shoulder, shaking and heaving harder as his cries get louder and heavier.

My heart completely shatters seeing him in this state, and I carefully lead him to his bed so we can sit down, while still keeping one arm around his waist and holding his hand with my other. His apartment is only one room and a bathroom, and the couch turns into a bed, so thats where I lead him to.

We sit down on the bed with our backs against the headboard and Andy just cries and cries into my chest, unable to calm down no matter what I say or do. I do everything I can think of, hugging him, rub his back, stroke his hair, rock him, whisper sweet things, but nothing could calm him down. If anything he just sobs harder.

After almost 40 minutes, Andy pulls away and runs into the bathroom, throwing up into the toilet from how hard he was crying. I get up and follow him, not wanting to leave him on his own while he's like this, and I notice dried blood on the counter and in the sink, making me believe he'd hurt himself before I came over. I decide not to bring it up right now since I doubt he wants to talk about it while he's crying like this. He sits back against the wall and sobs into his knees. I sit on the floor next to him and pull him back into my arms so that his head is resting on my chest and we stay there, me holding him tightly as he sobs violently until he eventually falls asleep after almost three hours.

After he finally falls asleep, I carefully pick him up and tuck him into bed. Once he's in bed, I clean the bathroom for him so he won't have to worry about doing it later. After cleaning, i sit on the bed next to him and lay with him, Andy immediately moving closer to me and cuddling into me. I instinctively wrap my arms around him and stroke his hair softly as I slowly fall asleep next to him.

The next morning when I wake up, I see Andy sitting on the bed next to me and see that he seems to be having a panic attack. He looks terrified and he's hyperventilating and shaking, and theres tears running down his face.

I carefully put my arm around him and rub his shoulder and back soothingly, trying to comfort him and make him feel safe.

"It's okay, Andy. You're okay. You're safe. I'll help you through this. It's okay." I whisper as he slowly starts to calm down. Once the panic attack passes, he hugs me tightly and hides his face in my shoulder.

"Im sorry." He whispers, his voice broken from all the crying.

"Shh you have nothing to be sorry for, Andy. Its okay." I say and hug him tighter, rubbing his back.

"Whats going on Ands? Whyre you so sad sweetie?" I ask softly, the pet name slipping again, also making him blush slightly.

"When I was in highschool, I was seriously depressed, like I dont even know where to start with how horrible it was. It got a lot better after I graduated, but recently its been coming back but worse.  I dont know if its living alone or what, but I just feel so alone and lonely and sad and I dont know what to do about it. It feels like dying is my only option."

His voice is soft as he speaks, yet I can hear the pain in his voice. It breaks my heart to see this beautiful human in so much pain. He looks down and I can hear him crying quietly again. I carefully pull him into another hug, holding him tight yet gently, and softly playing with his hair, soothing him slightly.

"I'm sorry youre so sad, love. If you want, you can stay with me if being here alone is too much for you. You dont deserve to feel like this, Ands. I wanna help you in any way I can. I love you, Andy. And im here for you always." I say, realizing after that I just admitted I love him.

"I love you too." Andy whispers back before I can say anything else and hugs me tighter, sobbing harder into my shoulder.

I slowly lean back against the headboard/back of the couch, Andy laying half on top of me, and just hold him and whisper to him until he manages to calm down a little.

"I'm serious about you moving in with me, Andy. If you'd feel better living with someone, my apartment is always open to you. I'll help you in any way I possibly can." I say as I rub his back.

"Really?" Andy sniffles, looking into my eyes with sad, teary eyes.

"Of course, love. Anything you need, I'm here." I say as I hold him tighter.

"Do you really love me?" Andy asks unsurely, his voice sounding as if it'd shatter his heart if I said no.

"Yes, Andy. I love you so much. I have since I met you." I say, really meaning it.

"I've loved you since I met you too." He says and looks up at me adoringly. God he's so fucking precious.

Slowly we both start to move our faces closer togethet so that our lips meet.

When we pull away, Andy looks into my eyes again.

"You're not on your own anymore, love. You have me now. Im right here." I whisper as I gently wipe the tears off his beautiful face and gently kiss his forehead before hugging him again.

"I love you." Andy whispers laying on my chest, still crying slightly.

"I love you too, Ands."

"Everything just looks so fucking depressing in here. I fucking hate it here." Andy says, looking around anxiously for a few seconds before leaning back against me.

"Im sorry, baby. Come stay with me, honey. You dont have to stay here anymore. I got you now. I'll do anything I can to help you feel better." I say as I kiss his head again and hold him tighter, feeling him start to get himself worked up again.

"Okay....i dont wanna be on my own anymore." He cries.

"You'll never be alone again baby, you have me now." 

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