70. Acceptance

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Can you do one where Andy has selective mutism and can't talk to your friends and they don't accept him as your boyfriend?

((Picture if of who everyone is in the story. Will and Hannah are from a band called Creeper. They're really good, and I highly suggest checking them out. Andy and Will are actually friends irl and Will was on The Andy Show a few weeks ago))

((Also, I apologize for any typing errors. I crashed my skateboard and hurt my hand, so it's a little hard to type right now. Also, my phone keeps autocorrecting Andy to Sandy for some reason. I think fixed all of them, but if I missed one or two, I'm sorry))

~Chloe's POV~

"So Chloe, who have you been texting this whole time?" My friend Hannah asks.

We're all hanging out on the side of the school before our classes start. I'm hanging with Hannah, Will, Kellin, and Vic while waiting for my boyfriend Andy to get here.

"Yeah, whoever you're texting is making you blush like mad!" Will adds.

"Oohh is it you're boyfriend? When are we finally gonna meet him?" Kellin asks.

"Ok Ok, slow down guys. Yes it's my boyfriend. You'll meet him when he gets here." I say.

"Can we at least know his name?" Vic asks.

"Fine. It's Andy." I say.

"Andy? That weird goth guy in our lunch period that sits with those other weirdos?" Hannah asks, sounding a bit judgmental.

"Yeah. He's super sweet and adorable!" I say.

"All he does is sit there. He doesn't even talk" Kellin says.

"Yeah. He barely even speaks. He's in my English class and all he does is sit in the back and glare at anyone who even looks at him. It's pretty creepy." Vic says.

"Okay would you guys just give him a chance? He's actually a good guy." I say.

I look over and see Andy running towards us.

"ANDYYYYYYYYY" I yell as he runs into my arms and kisses me before hugging me tightly and hiding his face in my neck, smiling.

"Hello to you too, Andy" I say as he moves and hugs me from behind, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Guys, this is Andy. Andy, this is Will, Hannah, Vic, and Kellin." I say pointing to each person.

Andy smiles and waves. He has selective mutism and is a bit shy, so it's hard for him to talk to new people.

"Do you speak at all?" Hannah asks, kinda rudely.

I can tell she's making Andy uncomfortable since he hugs me tighter and tenses up, hiding his face slightly.

"He can speak, but he's very shy. He doesn't know you yet, so it'll take a while for him to warm up to you." I say.

Andy has told me that he doesn't want other people to know he's a selective mute, so I obviously left that part out.

"Whatever." She says, rolling her eyes.

Thankfully the bell rings before anything else can happen. Will, Hannah, Vic, and Kellin go to class while I stay back with Andy since neither of us have a first period.

"Sorry about Hannah. I should've warned you about her. She can be a bit critical. Are you okay?" I ask as I turn around and hug him.

"I'm fine. I'm used to people like her." He whispers as he hides his face in my shoulder and sighs.

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