43. Broken

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**trigger warning: mentions past abuse, anxiety, panic attacks**

**ALSO NO HATE TOWARDS JULIET!! There's a longer explanation of why I made Juliet the way she is at the end. She's based off of a real person and their names are sorta similar. Like if you shorten both of their names, their nicknames could be Jules or Jul or Juli (which are all names i used to call my ex friend.)

**also my irl friend Megan wanted her name in a story, so here ya go Megs! Love ya girl!

This is also a weird-ass ship. If y'all don't know who Josh Raven is, he's from the band The Faim. The Faim opened for Andy Black on his tour this year and they're freaking amazing!!! I highly suggest you check out their new album State Of Mind

———-Megan's POV———-

I was laying in bed with my boyfriend Kellin when I got a text from one of my best friends, Josh Raven.

Josh: "Meg!! We need you. Andy's had a really bad day and he's crying and  I can't get him to calm down. Please help me help him!"

Me: "what the hell happened? Who do I need to kill for hurting him?"

Josh: "his fucking ex again"

Me: "fuck. come over right now"

Josh: "on our way"

I get up and change out of my pajamas and into some clothes. Kellin was still asleep, so I quietly tiptoed out of our room and shut the door. I go downstairs and sit on the couch while I wait for Josh and Andy.

Josh and Andy are my best friends. Everyone always knew Josh was gay, but no one knew Andy was bi. It wasn't until Josh's band opened for Andy on his solo tour that he found out he was bi. He ended up falling in love with Josh and broke up with Juliet to be with him. Things weren't going so well with Juliet for a while and he's been planning on breaking up with her for a while. Sometimes he would call me in the middle of the night in tears because of how bad things were. Then when he fell for Josh, I helped get them together and he helped Andy break up with Juliet.

After sitting for a while, I hear a knock on the door. I open the door and see Josh.

"Hey Josh" I say as I give him a hug.

Andy was standing behind Josh holding onto the railing as tightly as he could. He was looking at the ground and his hair was covering his face. He was also shaking. Dammit I hate seeing him so sad.

I let Josh in and he comes and sits down on the couch, while Andy stayed by the door.

"Ands? You okay love?" I ask him softly.
He shook his head and covered his mouth with his hand and held his other arm across his stomach. I heard him sniffle and a few tears fell from his eyes.

"Aww Come here boo" I say as I hold out my arms for him to run into.

He ran into the house and into my arms and hugged me as tight as he possibly could. He buried his face in my shirt and started sobbing hysterically and shaking really badly.

"Aww Andy. It's okay boo. I got you. You're safe now" I say as I hold him tight and rub circles on his back.

He started sobbing even harder and I just held him tighter and continued to rub his back.

While I was trying to get Andy to calm down, Josh was explaining everything that happened to make him so upset.

"We ran into Juliet while we were at Starbucks and she started a whole scene. She started screaming that he cheated on her and used her to cover up the fact that he's gay and a bunch of other shit. While she was screaming at him, I was trying to make her shut up. While I was doing that, Andy started having a panic attack and ran into the bathroom. I immediately dropped everything and ran to him to try to comfort him and calm him down. It didn't work, and he just kept getting worse and worse until an employee came in and said the manager kicked her out." Josh explained.

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