40. Thunderstruck (Andley) (HELLA FLUFF)

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A/N: This one's super short but still really sweet




I woke up with a start from hearing someone screaming my name and shaking me awake. I opened my eyes and sat up and saw Andy standing by my bed. He had his Batman blanket wrapped around him and his big blue eyes were looking around the room anxiously for some reason. He was also shaking slightly. Then I heard it. Thunder. Andy's always been afraid of storms since he was little. One time when he was 5, he was out with his family and their car broke down in the middle of a highway in the middle of nowhere during a severe thunderstorm. They were stuck there for hours and ever since then he's been absolutely terrified of storms.

"Ashy. I'm scared" he whispered as he wrapped his blanket tighter around himself. "Can I sleep in here with you?"

"Come here" I moved my blanket and scooted over to make room for him.

He climbed in bed with me and curled into my side with his arms wrapped tightly around me. I held him close to me and kissed his cheek while softly stroking his hair. It thundered again, causing Andy to start shaking more than he already was and crying quietly.

"Shh it's okay baby... I've got you.. it's just a storm. Nothing can hurt you here. You're safe here" I whispered as I tightened my arms around him and started rubbing his back.

I reached over to the nightstand next to Andy and grabbed the remote to the TV so I could put on Batman to calm Andy down and distract him from the storm.

I put the TV on and once Andy heard the Batman theme playing, he turned his head and started watching the TV. He was still shaking and crying a little, but hopefully some Batman will help. He stayed clinging to me and rested his head on my chest as he slowly started to calm down and focused on Batman instead of the storm. After a while, Andy was completely calmed down and engrossed in the TV. He had stopped crying now and was cuddled up to me how he normally is instead of clinging to me out of fear.

I left the TV on until Andy eventually fell asleep in my arms. After he was asleep, I turned the TV off and fell asleep along side Andy.

Andy Biersack imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now