17. Put The Gun Down

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Inspired by Andy's song Put The Gun Down

⚠️**trigger warning: mentions suicide attempt**⚠️

—Chloe's POV—

"Andy!! I'm home!!" I said as I walked in the door of my boyfriend Andy and I's apartment.

No answer.

I figured he was probably in the bedroom upstairs since I didn't see him anywhere downstairs. I started walking up the stairs and I heard someone crying. I got scared and ran up the stairs. The bathroom door was open and the lights were off so I knew he wasn't in there. The bedroom door was cracked open and the lights were on so I knew he was there. The sound of someone crying got louder and harder. Now I was really worried. I ran over to our room and opened the door slightly, as not to startle him. When I opened the door, he was sitting on the bed holding a gun to his head and crying his heart out.

"Andy?" I said as I walked in, trying to stay as calm as I could so I wouldn't freak him out any more than he already was.  He didn't answer me. Instead he took the gun away from his head and sobbed harder, if that was even possible. I walked over to him and kneeled down in front of him. His eyes were really red and his face was covered in tears. He looked like he'd been crying for hours. I've never seen anyone so sad in my life. Especially Andy. He's normally so strong and doesn't let things get to him. What could have possibly hurt him like this?

I tried to take the gun out of his hand, but he tried to grab it back.

"Andy, honey, put the gun down. Please just put it down my love." I said as softly as I could while resting one of my hands on his face wiping away a few tears. He finally gave in and handed it to me and I put it far away from him.

"Andy, what's wrong? Please talk to me." He tried to get words out, but he couldn't bring himself to it.

Before I could say anything else, he thew his arms around me and sobbed into my shoulder. I hugged him back as tightly as I could and rubbed his back in an attempt to calm him down. I could feel his hot tears falling onto my shirt, making it wet, but I didn't care. I only cared about Andy. He cried so much that I'm surprised he didn't bruise his ribs from sobbing so hard, and his body was shaking so badly. I wish there was something I could say to him to make him feel better, but i think I just have to sit here and wait it out with him until he can calm himself down a little.

"I-I'm sorry." He sobbed as he held onto me tighter and buried his face deeper into my shoulder.

"Shh It's okay. It's okay. You'll be okay. I'm right here now. You're okay." I whispered as I got up and sat on the bed next to him, while keeping my arms tightly around him and holding his head on my shoulder.

After what felt like hours, his sobs started to slow down and turn into soft cries and sniffles until he eventually stopped crying all together.

"I'm sorry. I-I didn't know what I w-was thinking" he said as he let more tears fall down his face.

"Honey don't apologize. It's not your fault babe. Listen to me. You're gonna be fine. I'm always gonna be right here with you whenever you need me. Call me, text me, FaceTime me, I don't care. I don't care if it's 2:00am and you start having the smallest thought about killing yourself or hurting yourself. Wake me up and I'll help you through it. I love you Andy. Don't you dare forget it my love." I say back to him as I hold him in my arms and gently wipe his tears with my thumb.

"I love you too. I don't know what I'd do without you." He whispered into my shoulder.

The rest of the night we stayed in bed and cuddled while watching movies. I just want him to feel loved and like he deserves to live. I wish he could love himself the way I love him.

A/N: updating twice today because I haven't updated in over a week.

~ Chloe <{•.•}>

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