28. Stress (feat. All of BVB)

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A/N: this was requested, but I don't remember by who. Sorry 😔😔

Hi!! Can you please do an imagine where Andy has a really rough day at the studio and some of the band members are giving him a hard time while the others try to comfort him until he eventually gives up and goes home and when he gets home he breaks down crying and Chloe comforts him and holds him until he feels better and its hella fluffy?? Thanks XO

Warning: Harry Potter Deathly Hallows spoiler in first paragraph. I didn't wanna ruin it for anyone <{•.•}>

——Chloe's POV——

I was laying on the couch in Andy and I's apartment watching Harry Potter with Kellin Quinn from SWS, Vic Fuentes from PTV, and Josh Raven from The FAIM, while waiting for Andy to come home from the studio. Vic was sitting on the chair holding Kellin in his lap, and Josh and I were laying on the couch. I was laying on Josh's lap while he played with my hair. Of course we decided to watch Deathly Hallows part 1 and when we got to the scene where Dobby dies, Kellin, Josh, and I were all crying messes and trying to comfort each other. And Vic was laughing his ass off at our pain.

After we'd all collected ourselves and carried on with the movie by watching part 2, Andy came in. He seemed a little off and like he was upset about something.

"Hey Babe! Are you okay?" I asked him as I sat up on the couch.

"Yeah, fine. Just tired. Imma run upstairs and go take a shower. I'll be down in a little bit." He replied as he started walking up the stairs.

A few minutes later, I got a text on my phone from Andy saying "7"

When I saw his text, I knew something was wrong. Seven was our code word we used when we needed the other to come help with something or something was wrong. It was our "emergency" word. We chose seven because Andy and I officially started dating on 7-7-17.

I told the guys that I had to run upstairs for something and not to worry about pausing the movie since I'd seen it so many times. When I got upstairs to our room, I walked in and found Andy sitting in the corner hugging his knees to his chest and just staring blankly ahead of him. His eyes were slightly red and he had tears running down his face.

"What's wrong, Ands? You okay?" I know that's a dumb question, since he's obviously not okay, but I was too worried about him to think of something else.

He shook his head and sniffled as he looked down at the ground. I walked over to him and sat down next to him. I carefully put my arm around him and rubbed his back gently.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

He shook his head and closed his eyes tightly as he let a few more tears slip down his face. He started crying quietly to himself and I could feel his sobs shaking his body.

"Aww babe... come here" I whispered as I wrapped my other arm around him and gently pulled him closer to me and held him. He let go of his knees and hugged me back, hiding his face in my chest. He grabbed onto the back of my shirt and held onto me tightly while still crying.

"Shh it's okay babe. Im right here. I love you so much." I whispered lovingly. I kept my arms tightly around him, rubbing his back with one arm and cradling his head and playing with his hair with my other.

After a while, he stopped shaking so badly and his sobs started to slow down until eventually his breathing evened out completely. That's when I realized that he was asleep and that he had literally cried himself to sleep in my arms. Aww. I didn't want to move too much because 1- he looked so peaceful and comfortable, and 2- I was afraid that if I woke him up that he would start crying again and seeing him cry breaks my heart.

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