62. Hospital Beds- (Part 1)

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—Chloe's POV—

I'm starting my new job as a social worker at the mental health facility today. When I went into the building, the head nurse gave me a file of information about all my patients and a schedule of when I see everyone. My patients are:

Andrew (Andy) Biersack- age 25, Here for severe depression, self harm, suicidal, severe anxiety, insomnia, and PTSD

Ashley (Ash) Purdy- age 27, here for Anorexia, depression, and anxiety

Brendon Urie- age 26, Here for severe ADHD as well as a very low grade of autism

Remington Leith Kropp- age 22, Here for depression and anxiety

Emerson Barrett Kropp- age 20, Here for depression and self harm

According to the schedule I see Andy everyday, Ash on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, Brendon on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, Remington on Saturdays and Monday's, and Emerson on Sundays and Mondays.

Today is Monday, so I guess I meet Andy, Brendon, Remington, and Emerson today. I go to my office and see that there are separate files for each of my patients. I find Andy's and read through it since I'm meeting him first. This way I'll at least know a little about him before he comes in. In his file it says that he's 25, like me, and that he's listed as a threat to himself and others, and is dangerous. I wonder what that's about. I read more about him and it also says that he doesn't speak much and that no one has ever been able to get through to him to find out anything about his past other than that he was bullied in school and abused by his family. I also find out that he likes a lot of the same music as me and that I seem to have a lot in common with him. Maybe I can get across to him and be able to help him.

At about 11:30, the head nurse comes in with a patient who I assume is Andy. He's really tall (again like me), skinny, has long black hair that goes down to his shoulders, the most beautiful blue eyes I'd ever seen, and for some reason he's in a straight jacket. He also seems really scared, as if he's expecting me to yell at him or hurt him or something.

Already I'm starting to get the feeling that they're wrong about him.

"Hello, Chloe. This is Andy. He's your first patient that you'll be meeting with. You have about one hour, and then you'll meet with your next patient. If you need anything, just call the front desk. Good luck." The head nurse says before he shuts the door.

Why is he telling me good luck? Does he mean with this job in general, or with Andy? If he means with Andy, then I'm going to have a serious talk with him about what he should and shouldn't say in front of the patients.

"Hi Andy. I'm Chloe. Go ahead and take a seat on the couch." I say in a soft and sweet voice. He does as I tell him and sits down on the couch across from me.

"I um.. I like your sweatshirt. I like the Misfits too." He says quietly while looking down at the ground nervously. Damn his voice is deep. I love it though.

"Thanks! The Misfits are one of my favorite bands! So anyways, how about you tell me a little bit about yourself and why your here?" I say.

"Well um... I'm 25, I like rock music, I'm here because I'm so far beyond depressed, I have horrible anxiety over everything, I've tried to kill myself twice, and I don't really know what else to say. I'm sorry." He looks up a little, but then looks back at the ground.

His file said that he doesn't talk much, but he seems to be doing okay so far. Maybe I will be able to help him once I gain his trust.

"That's okay. You don't have to apologize. I know it can be hard meeting a new person and being forced to tell them personal things about your life. Just take your time and we'll figure it out as we go. And if I ask you something that you don't feel comfortable answering, just let me know. I never want to feel like I'm pushing you or making you feel uncomfortable. How does that sound?" I say to try to make him feel safer.

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