31. Bad Day (Part 2)

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(this is all in Andy's POV. I really need to add more content in his point of view)

—Andy's POV—

I woke up early this morning and immediately feel shitty and depressed as hell. I decide to get up and go downstairs to go take my depression meds to see if that would help, even though I know it won't. I was gonna go back to bed and cuddle with my girlfriend since that seems to be the only thing that actually helps me and makes me feel better, but out of nowhere I just start hyperventilating while crying and sobbing heavily. My eyes are flooded with tears that are blurring my vision and flowing down my face in fast, steady streams dripping off the bottom of my cheeks.

I tried to calm myself down, but it didn't work and I just sobbed harder. I put the hood of my hoodie up, tied the strings shut so the hood covers my face, walked over to the couch and curled into a ball crying and violently sobbing while my body shudders and shakes from the force of my cries and sobs, and occasional screams. God I wish I could cry quieter so maybe I won't wake Chloe up, but I have no control whatsoever over how much or how hard I'm crying right now.

I don't even know why I'm so upset, but I can't stop crying for the life of me no matter how hard I try. As much as I really want- need to be held right now, I really don't wake Chloe up with my crying. Especially because I'm crying for literally no reason at all. I'm just being even more overly emotional than usual and I'm scared that if she sees me like this, she'll realize how worthless I really am and leave me. I can't lose her. Fuck now I'm crying even harder. Dammit brain please stop thinking! Agh!

I sat here crying like this for a little while until Chloe eventually came down here and found me like this.

"Hey.. what's wrong Ands?" She asked sweetly as she placed her hand on my shoulder. I didn't realize she'd come in, so she startled me causing me to flinch.

"I don't- I don't kn-know" I cried, breaking down even more.

"Well then why are you crying so hard sweetheart?" She asked.

"I-I came d-down h-here to take m-my meds, and I just started crying. I don't know why." I said through violent sobs

"Okay, okay.. shh.. it's alright." She said as she put her arm around me. "Is there anything I can do to help you?"

"H-hold m-me" I managed to say.

She moved closer to me and wrapped both of her arms around me, pulling me into a tight hug. I hugged her back and hid my face in her shoulder. I gripped onto the back of her shirt and held onto her as if my life depended on it, which it did. I started crying even harder and wrapped my legs around her waist to bring myself closer to her and climb into her lap. Even though I was crying and sobbing harder than I ever have in my life, it was still really comforting to have Chloe hold me while I let out all my emotions, even if I still had no idea what made me so upset.

"Shh it's okay love. I got you. you really need to calm down honey. You're going to hurt yourself or make yourself sick. Whatever's making you feel like this, we can work through it together. Everything will be alright. You're okay my love. I got you, sweetie. I'm here now. It's okay. Shh" She whispered while rubbing my back in an attempt to calm me down.

After what seemed like hours, I finally started calming down. Once I had stopped crying, she pulled away slightly and took off my hood, which was now wet from all my tears, and she wiped away the tears on my face with her thumb.

"Do you feel better now?" She asked and I shook my head and sniffled as I looked down at the ground. I really didn't feel better at all. If anything I felt worse. I was still beyond depressed and I felt as if I could cry again at any second. GOD WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME TODAY?! I need another hug...

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