20. Breakup (safe version)

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{{there's an explanatory of why I wrote another break up imagine at the end. There isn't anything triggering in this one, so you should be okay.}}

ALSO I MEAN ABSOLUTELY NO HATE TOWARDS JULIET AT ALL. I actually am a really big fan of her. I really didn't want to make her a bad person in this and it actually hurt me to make her a bitch in this, but I had to for the story. I'm so so so so sorry Juliet. I love you.

——Chloe's POV————

I'm currently sitting in the living room, waiting for my best friend Andy to come home from his girlfriend Juliet's house. I don't really like Juliet too much. She is always so possessive of Andy and is always super jealous whenever I'm around, despite Andy and I telling her countless times that we were more like siblings. But I don't wanna hate on her too much. She makes Andy happy and he really loves her. It's nice seeing him so in love with someone. He has this spark in his eye when he talks about her and it's so cute. (I don't like Andy that way. He's like my brother and best friend. I've never thought of him as anything more than that).

A few minutes pass by and I hear the door of our apartment unlock. Andy's home.

"Hey" I say as he walks in and takes his shoes off and hangs his jacket up.

He doesn't answer, which makes me worry a little bit.

"Andy, are you okay?" I ask as I look over to him. His eyes are red and his face is streaked with tears. He was also shaking.

He didn't answer me again. He just ran up to his room and slammed his door shut. I decided to leave him alone for a while to calm himself down. He obviously wants to be alone and doesn't want to talk, so I just let him be. I've learned by now that when he acts like this, it's better to leave him alone for a while or else it'll turn into something worse.

—fast forward to the middle of the night—

I woke up at around 2:30am from hearing a soft knock on my door. I woke up with a start and looked towards where the sound came from. I see a tall thin figure standing in the doorway and i immediately recognize the figure to be Andy.

"Andy?" I whisper just loud enough for him to hear me.

"Can I sleep in here with you tonight?" He whispered. His voice shivered and I could tell he was still crying.

"Of course. Come here" I say as I lift up the blanket so he can crawl under it with me.

He climbs in bed with me and snuggles up to me. I wrap my arms around his waist holding him tightly to me and he wrapped his arms around me rested his head on my shoulder. I could feel him shaking still and I could hear him crying even though he tried to hide it. I didn't know what to say, so I just hugged him tighter and started gently rubbing his back and petting his hair, making him cling to me tighter. I held him like this until he eventually cried himself to sleep.

—next morning—

I woke up this morning before Andy. I looked down at him and he was still clinging onto me just as tightly and was still shaking even in his sleep. His face was still streaked with tears and I carefully wiped them away and kissed his forehead before cuddling up to him until he eventually woke up.

"Hey love. How're you feeling?" I asked softly and carefully, afraid that if I so much as looked at him the wrong way he would break down again.

"Like a mess" He said as he hugged me tighter and hid his face in my chest.

"Do you want to talk about it? You don't have to if you're not ready. I don't want you to get upset again" I said quietly while running my fingers through his hair. He nodded and we both sat up as he started to explain everything.

Andy Biersack imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now