32. Confessions

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Chloe's POV:

I woke up at around 3:30am and heard my mom whispering to herself in the bathroom about how bad of a daughter I am. I tried not to move so she wouldn't know I was awake and could hear her. Once she went to bed, I texted the only person I knew I could trust. Andy. I texted Andy and this was our conversation:

Me: Andy? Are you up??

Andy: yeah. You okay??

Me: sorry, did I wake you? And not really. I just heard my mom talking shit about me and I don't know what to do.

Andy: aw man. I'm sorry. That must really hurt. Are you gonna be okay there tonight? And no you didn't wake me.

Me: I don't know. I'm trying so hard not to cry right now and I don't know what to do.

Andy: listen to me. You're gonna be fine. Do you wanna come here?

Me: I wish I could. I miss you and I really need a hug right now but my parents will kill me if I leave at this time.

Andy: can you leave them a note or something? I just want you to be safe and feel okay. I miss you too. I'll hug you 1000 times when I see you.

Me: I guess I can leave a note. But what if they hear me leave? And won't your parents be mad?

Andy: tell them that I had another bad panic attack and was crying and needed to be with someone but that I'm home alone. My parents won't be mad. You know you're basically their daughter. They'd rather you be here safe, than over there feeling like this.

Me: okay. I can't take this anymore. I'm coming over. Thanks Andy. You always know what to do. I'll be there in about 5 minutes.

Andy: alright. I'll unlock my door now. Just let me know when you're here and come to my room.

Me: okay. I'll let you know when I leave. Thanks again Andy. You're the best. I love you.

Andy: I love you too. I'll see you in a few mins.

I got up out of bed and wrote a note to my parents saying "went to Andy's. He had a panic attack and couldn't calm down and no one was home with him. I'll be back some time later."

I left my apartment at texted Andy that I was on my way.

When I got to his apartment, the door was unlocked and I walked in. Andy was waiting in the living room and ran over to me and hugged me the second I walked in. God I love him so much. He let go of me so I could take off my shoes. The two of us went to his room and shut the door.

"Okay Chloe. Tell me everything you heard" he said as we sat down on his bed.

"Well first I heard her leave her room, so I pretended to be asleep so she wouldn't yell at me. Then when she went into the bathroom, I heard her talking to herself. Saying that I don't work hard enough in school, that she wishes I was smarter, that she wishes I was more like her when she was my age..." I started getting really upset and had almost started crying.

"You okay?" Andy asked as he placed his hand on my shoulder. I nodded.

"You sure?" He asked, moving a little closer to me. I looked down at the ground and tried really hard not to start crying.

"I know you're lying Chloe. I can see right through you." He said as he started to rub my back.

Before I could say anything back to him, I moved as close to him as I could, threw my arms around him and started sobbing hysterically into his chest. He didn't say anything. He just held me tightly in his arms and tried to calm me down. There was nothing I wanted more than to stay in his arms forever. I always felt safe around him.

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